McGinley's Ryder Cup picks?


Jun 28, 2011
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IMHO…Paul McGinley will pick Poulter, Donald and Westwood.

He is not a ‘boat rocker’ and got the job through the main names from Medinah supporting his nomination. He has been a safe pair of hands thus far with no real pressure on him, (apart from WIN and WIN BIG really with the team he’s got and is up against), so the above picks all gel into the status quo of established stars with established partnerships with no real extra work involved. They are names and can be said to ’scare’ the US team.

McGinley’s has had a really easy ride with no focus on him whilst the Tiger Woods saga ensued. Tom Watson’s made a couple of mistakes that he’s had to explain away and there is NO way that McGinley’s sleepwalking into the Faldo ‘I’m dropping Monty’ Minefield and all the press speculation that follows that could distract everyone.

McGinley has an ideal European team in the making – plenty of experience, core of the team from Medinah in place, only 2 rookies and as I said above established partnerships all over the place.

BUT whilst I make the case above that is IMHO undeniably common sense - I still don’t agree with it!

Poulter – Yes he gets in – purely as a talisman and partner for Rose, McIlroy, Donaldson etc - that’s a legitimate, valid reason to pick him. He should raise his game in response.

Donald – Not for me – He’s not playing well, making swing changes and hasn’t performed this year at all. He maybe a sacred cow but remember Garcia wasn’t picked once and came back stronger.

Westwood – No Way – A couple of good recent rounds does not a sensible pick make. I respect him and his game but it’s time to move over and let the youngsters into the light.

What does it say to the rest of the European Tour players that even after poor seasons they just walk into the team as a name?

Again IMHO we have enough cover in the team already for Donald and Westwood, either experience- or playing-wise and I think it would be better to promote and encourage new talent from Europe who can add a new dimension to the team.

I can hear arguments for Gallacher and Molinari as good solid players and can be persuaded either way but I think a real boost to the team would come from picking Joost Luiten and Shane Lowry.

Both are exciting players whose careers are on the up and will be the future of the team. Get them in now with the others and bring them on. From what I have seen of them both they would not let Europe down and could be future stars of European golf for years to come. But to McGinley I think my choices are too risky, outside of the box, against conventional wisdom etc and will not happen. More’s the pity I say. Take the risk on quality young golfers. I think we have enough in the tank to take some risks – even if it’s just for 2 matches they will add something to the team and should thrive from it.


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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McDowell will miss out if Gallacher wins

Molinari I'm led to believe can't qualify via the points system
That's correct Phil, Gallacher will overtake GMAC in the points list if he's 1st or 2nd. GMAC must think he's is going to be a pick, otherwise he would have been playing this week to try and get points.