Ryder Cup 2018 - Paris

  • Thread starter Deleted member 15344
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Jul 13, 2015
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I despair.

Deflect and deny. You keep telling yourself you are correct, I'll bow out until some intelligent debate arises again.

Deleted member 15344

And that spongey was a thing of beauty. Cheers me
Man. 👍😘

Gave me goosebumps- especially when Olly spoke , just a superb video and you can see why it inspired them

Deleted member 15344

Am I the only one who thought it was very much over the top xfactor type production, hardly life or death was it.

Looking at the reaction from the players and on social media it appears you would be a lone voice or at least in a small minority - most appear to suggest it hits the mark perfectly and is a very inspiring video to watch for the players before the Ryder Cup started


Ryder Cup Winner
Dec 31, 2011
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Yet Spieth says it was a team decision ? Which is it Craw ?

So it’s a team decision or Furyks decision - or basically Spieth told him he doesn’t want to play with Reed as Reed has said.

All seems a complete mess - something that you crucified Clarke.

Final decision was Furyks, that's the bottom line


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Seems that Mickleson said the course was unplayable and that he won’t play a course like that again.
Haha, those quotes are actually laughable. Basically saying he only wants to play easy courses. Fair enough to admit that I suppose. Makes a mockery of him being picked as a wildcard though, Furyk should have just asked him beforehand so he could have told him he doesn't play courses like that. :rolleyes:

Lord Tyrion

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Sep 9, 2014
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That is surely another smack in the chops for the statement that the US team was properly prepared. If Mickelson had played it earlier, if Furyk had seen the layout and engaged his brain then surely they could have come to this conclusion before he car crashed.

I accept that Bjorn may have requested that the rough be brought in a little more than for the French open but they would have seen the general lay of the land and worked out what was going to happen. The equivalent is that for the next Ryder Cup the Europeans take someone who drives it 230 dead straight. No use on the bombers course we already know the US are going to prepare. Captain's pick going forward are going to have to think of this perhaps more than they have in the past as the course choices become more home driven.


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On Thursday I had unique access to a round table with Ryder Cup player and captain Ian Woosnam, and former European team members Jean Van De Velde, Peter Baker and Thomas Levet for a round table discussion on all things Ryder Cup. I was only supposed to have 15 minutes with them and it was filmed by European Tour productions (and he walked through my static camera shot several times) but as you'll see once they started talking it was hard to stop them. A very interesting insight and even if you hate my youtube channel and it's content, please try and see past that as this is a one off opportunity to here four ex Ryder cup members (and a winning captain) speaking. I hope you find it as interesting as I did
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Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 16, 2014
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I never said anything about them not being able to play the type of course they encountered in France.. were you replying to the right post or just talking jibberish?

As it happens though, if you think that Le National with its deep, lush rough and water hazards is comparable to an Open links style course then you must be watching a different game, or know very little about golf.

Don’t know what you are on about , you said the Yanks couldn’t cope with playing a course with 20 yards of proper rough like the course in France.

There are plenty of our Open courses with deep rough.