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      Val reacted to backwoodsman's post in the thread Jacket & Tie with Like Like.
      Voted yes - but only on condition that it was a course I really wanted to play on a regular basis, and was a club I really wanted to...
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      Val replied to the thread Jacket & Tie.
      Not sure there are many even up here in Scotland with that criteria any more as most have a spike bar. It’s a decent question none the less.
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      Val replied to the thread Transfering Property.
      Can this not be done as a deed of gift? I know it’s possible for kids to “gift” parents property this way but not sure the other way around.
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      Val reacted to patricks148's post in the thread Hirsel gone with Like Like.
      there used to be a guy on here who was the sec at the club, but it was years ago. Dodger, he organised a couple of the England Vs...
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      Val replied to the thread Hirsel gone.
      Just read an article that suggested membership had dropped to 120 hence financial trouble
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      Val replied to the thread Hirsel gone.
      And in contrast, I’d happily play it every week as a member. I thought it a great course and fair test.
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      Val reacted to Beezerk's post in the thread Hirsel gone with Like Like.
      If you like links courses, personally I’d hate to play Goswick on a weekly basis, I’d probably rather pack in playing 🤣
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      Val replied to the thread Hirsel gone.
      Glad you enjoyed it, it wouldn’t have been close to its best in April granted and well worth a summer visit if you can. Also happy to...
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      Val reacted to Lord Tyrion's post in the thread Hirsel gone with Like Like.
      There reaches a point where you are 'trading whilst insolvent'. This is an offence and would cause problems, legally, with any members...
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      Val reacted to Maninblack4612's post in the thread Hirsel gone with Like Like.
      They've gone bust, therefore forfeiting their lease & returning possession to the Hirsel Estate, who may well have provoked the...
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      Val replied to the thread Hirsel gone.
      Possibly, the problem you have is that there’s never a good time. They may not have had money for wages, equipment etc to fund the open...
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      Val reacted to Slab's post in the thread Hirsel gone with Like Like.
      off topic but had the pleasure of playing Glenbervie as a guest in april last year, really enjoyed it (y)
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      Val replied to the thread Rugby Thread.
      Maybe after he’s had a go with the Scotland job, hopefully
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      Val reacted to Captainron's post in the thread Rugby Thread with Like Like.
      Franco will head home to take over from Rassie. Enjoy him while you can. 👍
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      Val replied to the thread Hirsel gone.
      We’ve got 3 within around 3 miles with Glenbervie (my club), Falkirk Tryst and Falkirk Carmuir who are all thriving and Glenbervie still...
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