100%. Not much gets me angrier in a hurry than that!!
It’s not difficult to raise your hand for a second or 2
100%. Not much gets me angrier in a hurry than that!!
It’s not difficult to raise your hand for a second or 2
People seem to forget that “The Media” tend only to be driven by one thing - Sales (whether Newspaper or TV ads). They will therefore do their absolute best to represent what they think their customers want.Think I am hard pressed to find a day when something in the media does not irritate me. Today is particularly grinding, headlines this morning on the websites about how awful it is that the government may steal our family xmas but tightening restrictions, now all headlines changed to how government is risking our safety and a massive spike in January by letting Xmas go ahead. Not being political and taking a side on this but would the press please just take a standpoint and stick to it rather than just being contrary (I have given up any pretence of the press being impartial observers and taking a neutral stance).
People seem to forget that “The Media” tend only to be driven by one thing - Sales (whether Newspaper or TV ads). They will therefore do their absolute best to represent what they think their customers want.
In short, much like Politicians, we get the Media “we” deserve.
Exactly, and that’s why we are where we currently are (in reference to all sorts of unmentionables ?)Totally agree. Sadly more people want a contrary, combative and sensationalist view rather than an impartial and analytical piece
When I come to power they will be. I've only got banning pineapple on pizza and reclassifying the tomato as a vegetable (because everyone with any sense knows it's not a fruit) ahead of legalising cattle prods on my to do list.
Swimming egos. With Covid, you now need to book your lane, Slow, Medium, or Fast. Be honest with yourself and get in the right lane. Me hitting your ankles every two lengths is not fun for either of us.
In fact, sporting egos full stop. People who on strava will stop their watches to catch a breath, then run on, but then claim a PB or "smashed it" then you look at the elapsed time and you can see their 25 minute 5k actually took 40 minutes!
Power cut on the industrial estate. It's dark, cold, no hot drinks, we are busy and can't afford the downtime in the factory.
It could be worse, I could be the poor beggar outside in the rain fixing it.
We are not that big, don't produce sufficient per hour to warrant that. If we were high speed manufacturing then it would be different but being without power for an hour or two is annoying but manageable. Thankfully we get a phone signal at work so I can reply to emails on my phone without customers being aware of any issue.Time to look at critical power generation on-site if it's that important.
What is the cost to the business being out of power for say 1 hour? assuming you can recover and be at full capacity again that quickly...
It’s not difficult to raise your hand for a second or 2
Or even lazier press the hazards for 3 seconds
Blacked out windows. I have lightly tinted windows on the rear half....I had to have them unless I wanted to special order.I have blacked out windows, you would never know.