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      Neilds replied to the thread I had a lesson today and....
      I used to line up with the clubface open but then hit a draw/pull - turns out I was regripping just before I started the backswing!
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      If you think this is bad, just check out National Club Golfer -they are full of this kind of thing.
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      Neilds reacted to Burnsey's post in the thread Losing weight/fitness thread with Haha Haha.
      I spent a load in the sales on stuff a size too small, as a motivator. Problem is, when it fits, it will be out of fashion by a decade 🤣
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      Neilds reacted to Slab's post in the thread Losing weight/fitness thread with Haha Haha.
      Yup, when I did my 'big' diet the only item of clothing that still fit me were socks and golf caps, 100% of everything else in the...
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      Neilds replied to the thread Losing weight/fitness thread.
      and you can easily afford new clothes as you aren't spending on snacks 😁
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      Neilds reacted to PJ87's post in the thread Losing weight/fitness thread with Like Like.
      Unfortunately the tuck shop is just there.. some idiot runs it (me) and id just got a load of stuff delivered so I did have a couple of...
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      Neilds replied to the thread Losing weight/fitness thread.
      Don't buy them, if you don't have them you can't eat them ;) And congrats with your progress so far. What is the target?
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      Neilds replied to the thread Random Irritations.
      What is difficult to comprehend is the fact that, on some of the photos linked to the stories, he is shown apparently naked, covered in...
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      Neilds reacted to chrisd's post in the thread Druids Golf with Wow Wow.
      Strangely enough I have. The first time I pressed the unsubscribe button it failed to stop them from keeping me subscribed . I ended up...
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      Neilds replied to the thread Druids Golf.
      Ever heard of ‘unsubscribe now’? 🤪
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      Neilds replied to the thread The Cricket Thread.
      I have wondered this for a while. Nowhere near international standard.
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      Neilds replied to the thread Changing Weights in Driver.
      Are you getting too deep into the technicalities and science stuff? You are struggling with a dodgy swing and also trying to fiddle...
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      Neilds replied to the thread Golf in Gloucestershire/Bristol.
      I would also say they would be a struggle for higher handicaps, and don't have good views, but I was referring to be 'must play' in the...
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      Neilds replied to the thread Ready golf query.
      Not quite sure I fully understand the question, but if you mean can the player who has hit his approach go and putt out, then I would...
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      Neilds replied to the thread Golf in Gloucestershire/Bristol.
      Castle Combe, Bowood, Kendleshire - all possibly out of budget though
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