Random Irritations

Knowing that it won't be long before another Article 50 thread is started..................!!! :( :D
Cyclists. Because wasn't that how the original post started for the first 20 pages?

Yeah I get to say cyclists again too (mostly during dark and with no lights or reflective gear even on roads with no street lights, my daily commute is all about saving their lives when they don't give a stuff whether they live or not)

Motor cyclists (see above)

Honestly you just wouldn't believe how many 'spin the wheel of fortune' every day
Putting my wifes car into an air con specialist to get a new condenser fitted. Get half way down the M1, and the under tray is dragging along the ground. A bit further, the nearside indicators stop working. Get home, and the air inlet ducting is all hanging loose too. Specialist my ...

Its going back tomorrow, if I can get it there.

And no, the air con still doesn't work, because it needs a new pressure sensor that did not arrive in time.
As treasurer of a junior football club for the past few years I am now told that our under 8s team cannot play in a tournament on Saturday unless I take the FA's online safeguarding course beforehand. Why? I am not a coach that deals with the kids directly.

Have just gone on to the FA website to do the course only to find their learning portal is down for maintenance for today and tomorrow!
Getting an invite to play in captains day due to some dropping out (comp. drawn long before I became a member)
Roll up going out early so as not clash with the England Game.

Today realising that I can't do any of these because it's the mother in laws birthday and stuff has been planned :rolleyes:
Train Operators who provide trains that a. have no air conditioning or b. have air conditioning but it does not work.
TNT flippin "so called" couriers!

Stayed in all day for one van to collect my part ex'd music keyboard and, for best reason known to the useless so and so's, another to deliver my new digital piano. Driver one turns up and takes away my boxed keyboard and tells me that the piano is on its way, he saw them loading it when he was at the depot. Piano doesn't arrive, music shop rings TNT and the lying gits say that the lorry was full and they couldn't get my load on, so I've had to wait in for the whole day for nothing.

Now have to wait until after my holiday for it to (hopefully) arrive.