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    • Mandofred
      Mandofred replied to the thread Olympics - Paris 2024.
      I'll tape everything that I can, and then just watch little bits of the track+field. VERY little bits. I got hyped up over the Olympics...
    • Mandofred
      Mandofred replied to the thread Pro-rate, or not.
      Sounds like a deal.
    • Mandofred
      Mandofred replied to the thread Pro-rate, or not.
      Fair enough. But...if somebody moves new to that area and wants to join a club 6 months into the year....they either have to come up...
    • Mandofred
      Mandofred replied to the thread Pro-rate, or not.
      I don't think the club is desperate for people. I checked with the guys I used to play with before I went in to talk to the
    • Mandofred
      Mandofred replied to the thread What is a sport?.
      Just kill off the Olympics. Have a World Championship every year for each "sport".
    • Mandofred
      Mandofred replied to the thread Pro-rate, or not.
      Yeah, I can kind of understand that one. Although.....if you are producing a product that people want, they wouldn't be jumping...
    • Mandofred
      Mandofred replied to the thread Pro-rate, or not.
      A few people left the first course because of questionable decisions being made. Why is that an issue? The second course is just...
    • Mandofred
      Mandofred posted the thread Pro-rate, or not in The Lounge.
      Tried to re-join my last club last week. Even though almost 1/3 of the year has gone by they still wanted full price membership. This is...
    • Mandofred
      Mandofred replied to the thread Olympics - Paris 2024.
      OK....I've put commenting off. But....I'll be the Olympics Killjoy. It's time has come and gone. I'll record every day and watch "a few...
    • Mandofred
      Mandofred replied to the thread 2024 Troon Open.
      Not worth the effort. It's golf.... I mean that in a positive way believe it or not.
    • Mandofred
      Mandofred replied to the thread 2024 Troon Open.
      It's a given to on tv is boring as hell. But....I sure wish it was on tv at the moment. Just checked in on the internet and...
    • Mandofred
      Mandofred replied to the thread Random Irritations.'s a "dry" heat.
    • Mandofred
      Mandofred replied to the thread Watching golf on the TV.
      Those people who are watching ANY of the golf...but not really.....are you paying for sports on tv, but not using it? Madness. Either...
    • Mandofred
      Mandofred replied to the thread Golf Random Irritations.
      Luckily not where I play. If this was the normal.....I'd be done with golf.
    • Mandofred
      Mandofred replied to the thread Golf Random Irritations.
      Really? They are that slow?
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