I think the counties do a great job, especially in developing junior girls. Without the critical mass in clubs it's the counties that bring them together, get them coaching and enthused. Areas I know nothing about, not sure what they do. Funding is different too, it seems. We choose to be county members and pay an annual sub but it seems the clubs directly fund the areas? I need to find out more about that.
Haven't seen the app in the flesh but there was a burst of publicity recently with screenshots from clubs that had been trialing it and it looked good. I'm looking forward to seeing it although I fear the impending legal action from software developers will at the very least delay it.
What a mess!
The counties do a great job are you having a laugh??
They bleed money out of the game and give very little back. Your county/area fee would be better off going into a pot to pay for two or three coaches per area to go round local primary schools and get golf into the curriculum. Actually target schools, primary age kids. Not a select few.
Golf needs opened up to the masses not kept behind closed doors where area's bleed money and give very little back in return. A few girls and elite players is nothing when you can open the game up to thousands with a bit of thought and ambition.
Get rid of and start afresh.