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    • J
      Probably a bit of both, I'm so confused what to do with a driver in my hand, I don't even have a repeatable bad shot, I'm just all over...
    • J
      I've tried lessons with a few local pro's but either come away feeling more confused that ever or just pee'd off for completely wasting...
    • J
      Without doubt the driver, I'm out of the hole before I even start. I've pretty much given up playing now as a result.
    • J
      JayB replied to the thread Watching golf on the TV.
      I'll watch the final stages of the larger events if nothing else planned but won't go out of my way to watch. Generally I find golf as...
    • J
      JayB replied to the thread Dogs?.
      Not sure how accurate but try the following link, I've used as a rough guide before but always phoned to double check. http://doggolf.info/
    • J
      My lad regularly enters board comps and has also been lucky enough to win one at my club. Apart from a bit of gentle ribbing for the 2nd...
    • J
      JayB replied to the thread Searching someone’s MYEG record.
      This sounds like something I'd do, if I knew everyone was interested I'd drop this line in just to wind them up a bit more :)
    • J
      JayB replied to the thread Cheap GPS.
      How cheap is cheap? Can you not buy a bag clip for a phone or if using a trolley a phone mount/holder. Quick google search brings up...
    • J
      JayB replied to the thread Golf fitting SW.
      From Cirencester, you have as previously mentioned Tony Valentines Corsham or Swindon store plus Gloucester Golf Centre which is just...
    • J
      JayB replied to the thread Membership Suspension.
      Got to agree, this isn't normal rational behaviour for a bowl of soup, must be past history or something else going on.
    • J
      JayB replied to the thread Best club near Tetbury.
      Just out of interest Bswarbs, how much experience do you have in golf? You say you're having lessons, are you experienced, returning...
    • J
      JayB replied to the thread Best club near Tetbury.
      I've also heard this from a number of current and past members.
    • J
      JayB replied to the thread Best club near Tetbury.
      I agree with Kingsdown although it's a little out the way for the OP as not positioned between home and work, played a few times and...
    • J
      JayB replied to the thread Best club near Tetbury.
      Sorry, I missed this earlier. I can't comment on Cumberwell as I've never been, but If I had to choose from the other two it would...
    • J
      JayB replied to the thread Best club near Tetbury.
      If you want somewhere to tie you over for a bit, depending on the drive Cotswold Edge isn't far from you, currently only around £550 for...
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