Random Irritations


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
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Neighbours who don’t actually live on our road have parked outside out house for over a week…nearly ten days now…and they have had plenty of opportunity to move their car…but haven’t.

Yesterday I ‘jokingly’ asked her whether his car had broken down as it had been there for over a week…no it hadn’t was the reply.

And yesterday he went out in it and on return parked again right outside our house, aware but ignoring the fact that parking in our road can be difficult and we all try and park outside our own houses as best we can. There were plenty of alternative spots he could have parked that are not outside anyone’s home…but parking outside us is just the most convenient for him…ignoring the roads parking etiquette and almost deliberately it would seem to wind us up given my comment.

I generally don’t fall out with anyone but my patience is being sorely tested.
I'd be tempted to park outside their house (if you can) to see if they do anything

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Yeah that was the other thing - no selecting a start point.

Series link will record it I guess but it will show in my planner - haven't checked is there a "scheduled" element? I guess I can always ask Alexa to remind me :)
There is a schedule section. Go to the main menu, then recordings, press it to enter that section, go down a few then press scheduled. That will show what is upcoming for the next week. It doesn't go beyond that, nor show what is series linked but not on right now. For example, I've go Alaska Daily on series link. If it isn't on for a week, 2 week gap, it won't show in the schedule but will reappear when it is within the 7 days again.

You soon get used to, Google is also your friend. Lots of the questions and irritations I have are mimicked by most other users 😄. You either find the answer or realise you can't resolve it and just have to get on with it.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Yep googled the reminder thing yesterday and lots of stuff about it with Sky saying it was removed as they felt users preferred to record and therefore with Q can record more than one. Oh and then the only one remote issue - I'm in charge for now but think you can get a second via infra red not bluetooth.

Also - I hate change and a new laptop last week is still causing angst!!

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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If it is a public road and they are not blocking your drive I don't think there is anything you can do.
I work in a town that has had a holiday boom in the last 3-4 years. Loads of holiday makers staying in 'cute' seaside terraces and cottages. All on road parking. Local residents are going nuts on the town FB page but the answer you have given is completely correct. You don't own the space outside of your house.

@SwingsitlikeHogan if you get funny with the guy, it's on you. They have done nothing wrong. It's the nature of on road parking 🤷‍♂️


Sep 11, 2011
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Neighbours who don’t actually live on our road have parked outside out house for over a week…nearly ten days now…and they have had plenty of opportunity to move their car…but haven’t.

Yesterday I ‘jokingly’ asked her whether his car had broken down as it had been there for over a week…no it hadn’t was the reply.

And yesterday he went out in it and on return parked again right outside our house, aware but ignoring the fact that parking in our road can be difficult and we all try and park outside our own houses as best we can. There were plenty of alternative spots he could have parked that are not outside anyone’s home…but parking outside us is just the most convenient for him…ignoring the roads parking etiquette and almost deliberately it would seem to wind us up given my comment.

I generally don’t fall out with anyone but my patience is being sorely tested.

Park outside their house. They’ll get the message.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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If it is a public road and they are not blocking your drive I don't think there is anything you can do.
I know that there is nothing I can do. That makes it all the more irritating. They do t live on the road and choose to ignore our road parking etiquette - selfish and only care about what’s convenient for themselves - just like much of society today.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Park outside their house. They’ll get the message.
Can’t - they live on the main road and no parking outside their house their side of the road. But there is usually plenty of space on our road and not outside anyone’s house for main road households to park - as there is at the moment - loads of such space but they haven’t got the decency to move their car.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Where would you like them to park, outside your neighbour's house?
See above…plenty of room not outside anyone’s house. They choose to park outside our house as it is most convenient for them - just ignoring us.

Btw…they have two cars, a camper van, and a large van he uses for his work. You’d think they’d recognise that they should be grateful that we in the road are understanding and accommodate their needs…they should try accommodating ours as best they can rather than deliberately wind us up by being bloody-minded.

Living in a Victorian/Edwardian street in a town location requires compromise, collaboration and acceptance. We don’t need stupidity and selfishness.


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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See above…plenty of room not outside anyone’s house. They choose to park outside our house as it is most convenient for them - just ignoring us.

Btw…they have two cars, a camper van, and a large van he uses for his work. You’d think they’d recognise that they should be grateful that we in the road are understanding and accommodate their needs…they should try accommodating ours as best they can rather than deliberately wind us up by being bloody-minded.

Living in a Victorian/Edwardian street in a town location requires compromise, collaboration and acceptance. We don’t need stupidity and selfishness.
But you’re not 🤪

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Btw…they have two cars, a camper van, and a large van he uses for his work. You’d think they’d recognise that they should be grateful that we in the road are understanding and accommodate their needs…they should try accommodating ours as best they can rather than deliberately wind us up by being bloody-minded.
What are they supposed to be grateful to you for? What are you accommodating? That you haven't tarred and feathered their cars? The road isn't yours, the space isn't yours.

A tacit agreement between a few neighbours doesn't cover the road as a whole.


Journeyman Pro
Jun 20, 2010
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What are they supposed to be grateful to you for? What are you accommodating? That you haven't tarred and feathered their cars? The road isn't yours, the space isn't yours.

A tacit agreement between a few neighbours doesn't cover the road as a whole.

i have been on the receiving end of an angry mob of Nimby Hoggies on the road oppositite where i park as we cannot park oiutside mine - i had residents stickers plastered across the screen and being told i can't paro "on their road" etc. Nasty mob and i will do all i can to upset them going forward


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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See above…plenty of room not outside anyone’s house. They choose to park outside our house as it is most convenient for them - just ignoring us.

Btw…they have two cars, a camper van, and a large van he uses for his work. You’d think they’d recognise that they should be grateful that we in the road are understanding and accommodate their needs…they should try accommodating ours as best they can rather than deliberately wind us up by being bloody-minded.

Living in a Victorian/Edwardian street in a town location requires compromise, collaboration and acceptance. We don’t need stupidity and selfishness.
Perhaps the only way to secure "your" space is to have your front garden turned into parking and pay to have a dropped kerb put in. You will be able to park outside your house then.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2020
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My butt-head neighbour next door pretty well always has one car parked outside our house. They could open up the front of the property and they wouldn't have to park elsewhere, but he likes to keep hidden (hedge along street)....everybody on the street is fairly upset with him anyway. In the past I've a few words with him about parking over our drive a little bit....he no longer does. I have no issues with his car in front of our house, it's legal and not in the way. Does it piss the neighbours off?....does it piss my wife off? You bet. I think it's a British thing to be upset at people parking legally in front of their house.


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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My butt-head neighbour next door pretty well always has one car parked outside our house. They could open up the front of the property and they wouldn't have to park elsewhere, but he likes to keep hidden (hedge along street)....everybody on the street is fairly upset with him anyway. In the past I've a few words with him about parking over our drive a little bit....he no longer does. I have no issues with his car in front of our house, it's legal and not in the way. Does it piss the neighbours off?....does it piss my wife off? You bet. I think it's a British thing to be upset at people parking legally in front of their house.
You could have saved yourself some typing and stopped about 9 words early 🤣


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Ice cream man showing up at the local park.. never in my entire childhood did that park have an ice cream van... It is locked away so they given him a key to drive round the park ... Also he's a rubbish one just 30 variations of a 99 (£2.50) or a slush

No lemon ice, no lollies, nothing