Undisputed King of FOMO
Is anyone aware of the number of casual rounds and how it compared to the old supplementary rounds (I naively assume its exploded, but have zero evidence).
I played with a guy yesterday who signed in, asked me to mark his card, which I was happy to do, until he picked up his ball on the first after declaring his 2 footer a gimme!?
Quite shocked, I reminded him he was playing for his handicap, and kind of apologised I was writing down no score on the first... but he was adamant in the new system gimmies were fine in casual rounds and his normal group had been doing it all year.
Obviously with 17 holes to play I was keen not to fall out, and was releived when he agreed to just putt out for the rest of the round.
Anyone else had this!? (I hope its a one off, though am nearly certain itll be gimmies all round again when hes with his normal group...)
He wasnt a particularly low handicapper, and in his defence his handicap was reflective of his ability... but still...
Loads of guys at my place are doing gimmies and sticking rounds in. Not sure why they think they can, but they do!
Not my approach, I've missed plenty of gimmies in my time so if playing for handicap I hole out. Only time I take a gimmie is practise rounds when I just cba to putt.