Random Irritations


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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A quite horrendous tooth extraction today. Root filled ages ago but has never settled and was getting infected and finally had cracked. Dentist stuck enough anaesthetic in to numb my whole head but infection meant the tooth still had sensation. In the end I told him I'd take it but just get the flipping thing out. Ouchey but out it came and bled like a good 'un. Can't decide whether I'm so sore now from the extraction or the needles!

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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Had to do this for some tickets to a West End show. Use two browser sessions.
With the first one put a single from the 3 in your basket but don't finish.
With the second browser session buy the two seats you want - it will let you now as they other is being purchased.
Then close the first session which will release the seat again.

Thanks for that. (y) Someone had bought the third one by the time I got to go back on so it wasn't needed, but stored away for next time.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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So finally found out the size of the task I created for myself regarding patient property. Mammoth and significantly out of my comfort zone but something I am keen to work on. Will be a big feather in the cap if I can get it sorted. All positive so far. Except for the completion date which is tight to say the least and no sign of being able to push back. Can see some long hours and weekend working ahead.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Just been sent a password-protected Word doc by email, my phone won't open a password-protected Word doc and I have no other way ☹️

No idea if this is a phone settings issue or just not supported by the phone.

Any ideas out there?

I've seen this before
Its likely that you're actually in 2006 and using a Blackberry
You won't be able to open that doc for several years ??


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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First off I have no issue with those who want their houses to look like Blackpool Illuminations at Xmas.
But if you're going to do it at least have a decent go at it....a couple of lights on the shrub in the front garden and a single string above the door doesn't convey the message that you're really trying.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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First off I have no issue with those who want their houses to look like Blackpool Illuminations at Xmas.
But if you're going to do it at least have a decent go at it....a couple of lights on the shrub in the front garden and a single string above the door doesn't convey the message that you're really trying.
It’s not about that it’s about bringing the neighbours down from their middle class superiority complexes of sipping Malbec and driving prestigious German cars ... it also winds the wife up who aspires to sophisticated Christmas decorations..


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Tax regulations... how complex does it have to be?
New regulations in Sweden require anyone in the country over 45 days to be a taxed national. But does this align to the UK? Problem with tax authorities is they threaten and take before correction..
On the face of it, it’s fair that Sweden closes the loop on tax, but it is a bit anti competition because it forces foreign nationals to invest in local services that they did not require.
But let’s see how it plays out. There are a few other issues ahead as well.


Assistant Pro
Apr 9, 2017
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Just been sent a password-protected Word doc by email, my phone won't open a password-protected Word doc and I have no other way ☹️

No idea if this is a phone settings issue or just not supported by the phone.

Any ideas out there?
If you download the Word App you should be OK. Default Viewer on IOS doesn’t handle password protected files. I would expect similar restrictions apply on other phone OS.


Medal Winner
Oct 21, 2016
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Climate change delegates not able to take to the skies to the Glasgow conference for a mass junket.
Why don't they just stay at home and communicate on-line.
As carbon emissions still rise, then what have they achieved?

Colonel Bogey

Active member
Dec 6, 2018
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Surprised they're still needed.. our Tescos haven’t needed coins to get a trolley since March..

Really? They were a great invention. Ensures all (most) trolleys are returned to safe storage in the car park or by the store. Our Tescos don't use them and the lazy bums where I live abandon trolleys everywhere. It really winds me up

Colonel Bogey

Active member
Dec 6, 2018
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the clown who parked his 4x4 BMW on the path into whinn park, who then let his rottie take a massive dump in the middle of the path, not pick up then wandered past the big sign sayin g "no dogs allowed" into said park with not even a collar on the dog:rolleyes:

i can only hope when he comes back he treads in the poo and smears it all over his car

Ahhh dog lovers, don't cha just love 'em. Not all pick up after them. And whilst I'm on, how can you clean up after them when they have urinated where ever they like. Local football pitches for a start!!!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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You, Sir, are a star ?!
Problem solved, many thanks ?

One of things I love about this forum is that there is normally someone (or usually more than one) willing and able to help with whatever problem someone has. I posted about my dad being diagnosed with dementia and had some really nice messages of support and also a link to a thread with advice and links to websites that can help. Despite the bickering that does occur it's a decent place where people are happy to help each other out, even those they haven't met and don't know personally.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Last week mrs d moved the cups and mugs in the kitchen..... this week mrs d can’t find a cup she wants and it’s my fault

Weve packed a few boxes of stuff we wont need in anticipation of moving. At the time I questionned several things being packed. 1 by 1 im being asked where they are and taking the blame lol. Very close to unpacking them again haha