What would you do..use your toes?Have something stuck in my tooth.. happens often
Have a tooth pic key ring thing (not as mank as sounds it's in a case) anyways it's on the side and I'm pinned down by the twins that I've just got settled and Mrs in bath
Dog won't get it for me. Selfish
What would you do..use your toes?
There's a really nice cover of 500 Miles I've been hearing on TV ad breaks frequently in the last few weeks, I finally looked up to see what they were advertising and it was Viagra."Re-imaginings" of classic or old songs specifically for adverts. Just stop now! Think of and compose something original.
There's a really nice cover of 500 Miles I've been hearing on TV ad breaks frequently in the last few weeks, I finally looked up to see what they were advertising and it was Viagra.
A constant flow of cars and people wandering up and down the street looking at the lights. I get that we're all struggling for the little things at the moment but it has been going on for about 3 hours now and so distracting with all the noise all of the time.
They all sound the same. Plinky plonky piano under a calm female vocal. Other similarity is that they are all shite.
The Grinch comes to mind ??
"No, I get it and the lights in the next street in particular are fantastic and raising money for Thames Valley hospice, but imagine families outside your window every two minutes and cars driving up and down. Sadly I don't think everyone is just there for the lights and a house two doors down has already had damage around the lock of their garage where someone has obviously tried it. It's just annoying when you're trying to relax, watch TV and chill to have noise and car after car, more so in the weekday evenings after a long day at work
I'm sure they didn't get up at the crack of dawn to get drenched to the bone either. Horses for courses.Usual sunday 4 ball - my dad, me and two mates yesterday.
Weather was poor but we all have trollies with umbrella attachments and were using those.
They all walked after 9 holes. I didnt get up at 6.40am on a sunday to play 9 holes!!!!! Carried on alone.