Random Irritations


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Oct 4, 2018
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Remember don't delete that message, print it in bold lettering for future use (y)
Oh I keep all the msgs that relate to her so that's already in the file.

sounds like my ex mate.
she left me for the guy she cheated with and was pregnant within months, cheated on him, met someone else and moved in with him and fell pregnant again.
my daughter has nothing to do with her now
My ex ran out of people to cheat with and ran out of room on tinder in kent hence she now moved to be with this one. My kids already hate going home and my youngest last 3 years keeps asking to buy my wife a mother's day card instead of for her mum??‍♂️


Q-School Graduate
Nov 3, 2014
Se London
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Oh I keep all the msgs that relate to her so that's already in the file.

My ex ran out of people to cheat with and ran out of room on tinder in kent hence she now moved to be with this one. My kids already hate going home and my youngest last 3 years keeps asking to buy my wife a mother's day card instead of for her mum??‍♂️

my daughter buys my other half mother's day cards and not her mum!

we could have a right old moan together if we met up so if you're free next time you're in the Garden of England let me know and we can try and get a round in somewhere.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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my daughter buys my other half mother's day cards and not her mum!

we could have a right old moan together if we met up so if you're free next time you're in the Garden of England let me know and we can try and get a round in somewhere.
Sounds like a plan to me, I think we're due to be back down on the 10th April, we're on baby sitting duty for the Mrs teenage brothers as her Dad & stepmun are going to Budapest for the weekend. If you're about for a game, I'll be rusty though not touched a club in 6months


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Received an absolutely pathetic msg via Facebook from my Ex's boyfriend advising me I am not allowed to see my own children, that I cannot go anywhere near his house to collect them now they've moved in together and if I pursue access he will sort me out ??

Simple reply of I don't need to pursue access we have a court order stipulating the agreement is 50/50 shared care and any refusal of access will see his pregnant girlfriend (my ex) have custody removed from her and given to me full time as per the court order so he is more than welcome to attempt to carry out his threats but please remember what I used to do for a living so any attempt to intimidate me simply isn't going to work, oh and see you Friday to pick them up at the agreed time ?

His reply to me "well your just a dick head" ? yes of course Im the dick head..

No words for the level of stupid here..

So law on your side , check

Handling yourself on your side , check

This guy is an idiot


Q-School Graduate
Nov 3, 2014
Se London
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Sounds like a plan to me, I think we're due to be back down on the 10th April, we're on baby sitting duty for the Mrs teenage brothers as her Dad & stepmun are going to Budapest for the weekend. If you're about for a game, I'll be rusty though not touched a club in 6months

that's the Easter weekend so should be fine with me.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Without a doubt the man is an idiot and he had to go to a lot of trouble to seek me out on social media to even msg me. He is a very insecure guy.

And the really sad thing is the effect on the children. Why oh why do stupid parents use their children to get back at dad (or mum too)


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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And the really sad thing is the effect on the children. Why oh why do stupid parents use their children to get back at dad (or mum too)
Absolutely agree with you 100%. The only reason we went through court in the first place was because she refused to be grown up about it all, I was happy to sort between us but the kids were being used as a weapon sadly as happens to many people, there were weeks she'd simply go out with them before I picked them up, or would decide to go away when I was due to take them home and far worse said to them about how I left them etc, when I actually left because she was cheating but that was twisted to daddy doesn't want to be here with you. All very sad really so court was the only option even at the initial mediation she told them she will never agree to my suggestions its her way or no way so mediators could do nothing. Yet depsite all this I've never let anyone speak ill of her when kids are around it's simply not acceptable to me as regardless of my feelings she is their mum and they should respect her and not be party to bad mouthing. Court order settled it all for a long time, but since moving in with the new fella the grief has begun again and now this happens as she tells him things which aren't true.. A very narcissistic person. Kids whoever they belong to deserve better.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Received an absolutely pathetic msg via Facebook from my Ex's boyfriend advising me I am not allowed to see my own children, that I cannot go anywhere near his house to collect them now they've moved in together and if I pursue access he will sort me out ??

Simple reply of I don't need to pursue access we have a court order stipulating the agreement is 50/50 shared care and any refusal of access will see his pregnant girlfriend (my ex) have custody removed from her and given to me full time as per the court order so he is more than welcome to attempt to carry out his threats but please remember what I used to do for a living so any attempt to intimidate me simply isn't going to work, oh and see you Friday to pick them up at the agreed time ?

His reply to me "well your just a dick head" ? yes of course Im the dick head..
Wow. I will never understand why certain people will take that kind of attitude, when all it does is make their own life more difficult. Surely would be more beneficial to keep at least a 'neutral' relationship with someone you're going to have to see regularly.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Bleeding like a stuck pig, as Mog1, who is lovely, normally, has decided to claw and bite the proverbial out of me. Thanks mate. Love you too.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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Received an absolutely pathetic msg via Facebook from my Ex's boyfriend advising me I am not allowed to see my own children, that I cannot go anywhere near his house to collect them now they've moved in together and if I pursue access he will sort me out ??

Simple reply of I don't need to pursue access we have a court order stipulating the agreement is 50/50 shared care and any refusal of access will see his pregnant girlfriend (my ex) have custody removed from her and given to me full time as per the court order so he is more than welcome to attempt to carry out his threats but please remember what I used to do for a living so any attempt to intimidate me simply isn't going to work, oh and see you Friday to pick them up at the agreed time ?

His reply to me "well your just a dick head" ? yes of course Im the dick head..

I do hope you replied with "it's YOU'RE just a dickhead"


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Still searching job websites. Seen a full time job advertised at £12000 pa. How is that even allowed?
Are you its not been set as pro rata for £12k as the new national living wage for 2020 comes in at around £17k based on a working week of 37.5hrs. So £12k would be well under that for an over 25 adult.