Random Irritations


Q-School Graduate
Nov 3, 2014
Se London
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being the last one of my team in the office when we're snowed under.
1 of the girls can be excused as she's got a 18 month old and her o/h is a complete cnut (her words) but the other is just lazy.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Halifax "reward" account changing again

Used to be £5 reward a month to bank with them

Then changed to £3

Then £2

Wife and I used to have to cover the £10 nationwide charged for their account for insurance was no brainer

Now Halifax want to charge us £3 pm if you earn under 1500 a month .. no fee if you earn over (how kind) then you could earn £5 if you spend £500 a month on their card?

I'll stick.to my Tesco credit card earning points for meals out instead then

Mrs can change banks for bit of cash then

Very minor irritation ofc just annoying that they making things worse for no good reason other than profit for them


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Received an absolutely pathetic msg via Facebook from my Ex's boyfriend advising me I am not allowed to see my own children, that I cannot go anywhere near his house to collect them now they've moved in together and if I pursue access he will sort me out ??

Simple reply of I don't need to pursue access we have a court order stipulating the agreement is 50/50 shared care and any refusal of access will see his pregnant girlfriend (my ex) have custody removed from her and given to me full time as per the court order so he is more than welcome to attempt to carry out his threats but please remember what I used to do for a living so any attempt to intimidate me simply isn't going to work, oh and see you Friday to pick them up at the agreed time ?

His reply to me "well your just a dick head" ? yes of course Im the dick head..
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Q-School Graduate
Nov 3, 2014
Se London
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Received an absolutely pathetic msg via Facebook from my Ex's boyfriend advising me I am not allowed to see my own children, that I cannot go anywhere near his house to collect them now they've moved in together and if I pursue access he will sort me out ??

Simple reply of I don't need to pursue access we have a court order stipulating the agreement is 50/50 shared care and any refusal of access will see his pregnant girlfriend (my ex) have custody removed from her and given to me full time as per the court order so he is more than welcome to attempt to carry out his threats but please remember what I used to do for a living so any attempt to intimidate me simply isn't going to work, oh and see you Friday to pick them up at the agreed time ?

His reply to me "well your just a dick head" ? yes of course Im the dick head..

from what you've said before, they seem like a perfect match!


Q-School Graduate
Nov 3, 2014
Se London
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Mate they're an unbelievably good match for each other & expecting their first child together this month, they've only been together 11 months in total ?

sounds like my ex mate.
she left me for the guy she cheated with and was pregnant within months, cheated on him, met someone else and moved in with him and fell pregnant again.
my daughter has nothing to do with her now