Random Irritations

I'm less irritated having checked Google but watched a Cadbury advert, mouth agog, as it looked more like an advert highlighting donations/research into Alzheimer's.

Seems they are donating cash and memory bars to the Alzheimer's Society but the ad felt wrong...
We had a mouse in the kitchen years ago and it had wandered through the food cupboard (above the work tops and oven!).
I spotted a dropping.
My wife decimated the cupboard contents whilst I tried to rationally argue that canned food was perfectly safe.
Her response was "Not if a mouse has been walking all over it!!"
I lost that one.
I used to share a house.

The girl we shared with worked later than us so we used to leave her dinner in the oven.
When she joined us down the pub she commented " I like the way you serrate the carrots"

It was a gas oven and the mice had found a way in to the oven.
First day back in the office of the new year. First off, it takes me about 15 minutes to thaw out my car from the block of ice it was encased in. When I get to the station I discover there is no Metropolitan Line beyond Harrow. Just when I'm about to turn back, they send one train that is going as far as Wembley, so I get on it. From Wembley I have to get Jubilee Line to Baker Street. From there I jump on the Circle towards Barbican - only they announce that Barbican is in fact closed so I have to walk 10 minutes in from Farringdon instead. Are half of TFL still off for Christmas?? Happy bloody New Year.

Does make me look back with fondness to the commute I had before finishing work.

Bedroom to kitchen, cup of coffee back up the stairs to the office.
T12, L2 and L4 cracked.
Stable and painful.
I'm very lucky to not be paralysed
2024 had to have the last word
My mate did that.
I was first there .
Hit the handrail then tumbled down the stairs.
Foot caught in the baby gate.

1 1/2 hrs for ambulance.
Seen him next day he dislocated his little finger 😳
Very lucky boy
I'm less irritated having checked Google but watched a Cadbury advert, mouth agog, as it looked more like an advert highlighting donations/research into Alzheimer's.

Seems they are donating cash and memory bars to the Alzheimer's Society but the ad felt wrong...
Yes, very strange.
The daughter almost in tears.
Wife ordered from a kebab shop we have used before, at 8pm. Two hours later it hasn't arrived, even though they accepted the order (via their own website). Tried calling them but their listed number goes through to some bloke's voicemail that doesn't sound like a restaurant at all. No idea what's gone on but we're fuming, starving, and 35 quid out of pocket. Not sure how we'll get that back now.
Wife ordered from a kebab shop we have used before, at 8pm. Two hours later it hasn't arrived, even though they accepted the order (via their own website). Tried calling them but their listed number goes through to some bloke's voicemail that doesn't sound like a restaurant at all. No idea what's gone on but we're fuming, starving, and 35 quid out of pocket. Not sure how we'll get that back now.
Go to the shop 🤷‍♂️
Wife ordered from a kebab shop we have used before, at 8pm. Two hours later it hasn't arrived, even though they accepted the order (via their own website). Tried calling them but their listed number goes through to some bloke's voicemail that doesn't sound like a restaurant at all. No idea what's gone on but we're fuming, starving, and 35 quid out of pocket. Not sure how we'll get that back now.
I’ve fallen out with takeaways.
Too expensive via uber eats & turns up cold.
Asda create your own pizza is the way to go.
For an extra £10 you can go out for Indian rather than get takeaway.
I used to share a house.

The girl we shared with worked later than us so we used to leave her dinner in the oven.
When she joined us down the pub she commented " I like the way you serrate the carrots"

It was a gas oven and the mice had found a way in to the oven.
Strangely, the clue that told me we had mice was shredded JCloths in the cupboard under the sink, along with, strangely, dishwasher tablets chewed to powder.
My assertion that at least they were very clean mice failed to impress my wife.
Strangely, the clue that told me we had mice was shredded JCloths in the cupboard under the sink, along with, strangely, dishwasher tablets chewed to powder.
My assertion that at least they were very clean mice failed to impress my wife.
When I was a kid, my mum used lard to fry food. The lard solidified when cool and would be reused for a few meals. I can remember one time taking the frying pan out the cupboard only to find mice footprints all over the lard.
Been in this morning, 03.20

Wife ordered from a kebab shop we have used before, at 8pm. Two hours later it hasn't arrived, even though they accepted the order (via their own website). Tried calling them but their listed number goes through to some bloke's voicemail that doesn't sound like a restaurant at all. No idea what's gone on but we're fuming, starving, and 35 quid out of pocket. Not sure how we'll get that back now.
£35 for kebabs? What are they, waghyu?
When I was a kid, my mum used lard to fry food. The lard solidified when cool and would be reused for a few meals. I can remember one time taking the frying pan out the cupboard only to find mice footprints all over the lard.
Better than elephant foot prints in the butter (old joke)