Random Irritations


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 4, 2009
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Sadly, however, poor driving is not confined to one age group or demographic. I’ve said it times, but kids these days aren’t taught to drive. They are taught to pass a driving test.
Unfortunately, it has been thus for many, many years.:( Take my other half for instance. Please ....

Sid Rixon IV

Head Pro
Jul 22, 2013
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I wore shorts yesterd
Oops! I wore shorts yesterday when the heavens opened. On the 14th we could barely see across the fairway. Tee'd off on the slightly uphill, dogleg 15th, got to ur balls and saw the river coming off the green towards us.
But, all I had was wet legs rather than sodden, clammy trousers trousers.
Luckily, it was my first outing with my new "stay dry" bag.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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And, yes, many kids are taught to pass the test.
The test is flawed too.
They removed 2 of the "control" manoeuvres ( turn in the road and reverse left around a corner) and replaced them a front first bay park and park on the right, reverse2 car lengths and pull off......massively easier.
Out of a 34/35 minute drive 20 minutes involves following a sat-nav route...this is because " everyone" uses sat-nav these days......apparently.
The sat-nav tells them where to go - in exactly the same way an examiner does. When the independent drive first came in you had tk follow signs to somewhere..so you had to look for the sign, work out which direction you needed, work out which lane and then do it...again, dumbing down the test.
Some of the things the kids got away with on test I found staggering.
Glad I'm out of it but driving standards will. I feel, continue to fall
I understood scrapping the reverse round a corner, because who the hell ever does that? But I was shocked they got rid of them in the road (or three point turn as it used to be called). That seemed quite a common manoeuvre that people would have to do at some point.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Later today going to head back home down south - going myself by train. My Mrs tells me to wear jeans, not shorts (as is my wont April to October). Why? Apparently blokes my age wearing shorts when it is not that warm and likely to rain just looks expletive (her word).
Hold on…expletive deleted by a mod…since when was calling me twittish (an offending vowel changed) swearing…it never has been…and still isn’t…that’s just silly.