Speed camera rant!!!!

joe nustedt

Assistant Pro
Jul 2, 2012
E. London
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Speed limits were set in and before the age of Allegros, Anglias, Marinas and such like. Vehicle technology has moved on miles and whilst I fully agree with the limits in built up areas I think motorway limits should be higher.

Yes, the vehicle technology has moved on, but have drivers got better?

Personally, I would reduce the limit on motorways to 60 except for drivers who take an advanced course in driving (with regular tests), who could drive at a higher speed (say 90), and who would have the sole use of the right hand lane. Then enforce it with average speed check cameras on all roads.


Aug 20, 2007
An underground bunker
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I got bored after the first line of the first post but I take it someone has been driving at over the speed limit and has been caught??

If I am right with my summary can anyone explain why he's greetin about it?


Tour Rookie
Dec 11, 2007
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He's greeting cause the poor wee soul was on a quiet road at night with a speed limit in place for men at work but they must have been on their piece as he never seen any of them working.

But worse than that they highlighted that there may be Q's ahead just in case there was a rush to get to Tesco and stock up after the 3in of snow but as it was early doors no one was out and about so he did not see the need for the restrictions.Bout covers it lol :p


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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He's greeting cause the poor wee soul was on a quiet road at night with a speed limit in place for men at work but they must have been on their piece as he never seen any of them working.

But worse than that they highlighted that there may be Q's ahead just in case there was a rush to get to Tesco and stock up after the 3in of snow but as it was early doors no one was out and about so he did not see the need for the restrictions.Bout covers it lol :p

Greetin?????? I take it that comes from the Concise Jockanese Dictionary....:whistle:


Aug 20, 2007
An underground bunker
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He's greeting cause the poor wee soul was on a quiet road at night with a speed limit in place for men at work but they must have been on their piece as he never seen any of them working.

But worse than that they highlighted that there may be Q's ahead just in case there was a rush to get to Tesco and stock up after the 3in of snow but as it was early doors no one was out and about so he did not see the need for the restrictions.Bout covers it lol :p

Ah right Toad so I was right then,a total non story greetin fest it is then.


Tour Rookie
Dec 11, 2007
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Spot on pal, woe is me, it's no fair, I was speeding but it's no my fault kind of greeting. Never mind the restictions in place for the workmen on their break but he was doing 83mph minimum in a 70mph zone anyway, only excuse was everyone was doing much the same so must be ok:eek:

sydney greenstreet

Journeyman Pro
Feb 7, 2012
West Lothian
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Spot on pal, woe is me, it's no fair, I was speeding but it's no my fault kind of greeting. Never mind the restictions in place for the workmen on their break but he was doing 83mph minimum in a 70mph zone anyway, only excuse was everyone was doing much the same so must be ok:eek:
I'm sure he said 85mph on a motorway that was reduced to a 50 zone, I do not buy the line if i didnt go faster i could have had an accident. I am a professional driver and know all about some eejits on the road who think speeding 20mph or so over the limits does not matter as they are a good driver. That 20 mph means it takes longer to stop if someone pulls out in front of you and instead of being able to slow down in time means you rear end them.

sydney greenstreet

Journeyman Pro
Feb 7, 2012
West Lothian
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Let he that has never sped cast the first penalty point.
It is not that, the Majority have sped, but when caught dont make excuses. I speed every day going to work and coming home at night, there is a empty stretch of road which is a 30mph and i do about 45mph on it if I get nabbed fair enough I know I should not have done it. If someone speeds up the back of me I will not also speed up because of that fact he/she can overtake if they want.
Last edited:


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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Why build expensive roads with motorway specifications that are designed for high speed driving, then set the speed limit lower than a A class road.


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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I'm sure he said 85mph on a motorway that was reduced to a 50 zone, I do not buy the line if i didnt go faster i could have had an accident. I am a professional driver and know all about some eejits on the road who think speeding 20mph or so over the limits does not matter as they are a good driver. That 20 mph means it takes longer to stop if someone pulls out in front of you and instead of being able to slow down in time means you rear end them.

It is not that, the Majority have sped, but when caught dont make excuses. I speed every day going to work and coming home at night, there is a empty stretch of road which is a 30mph and i do about 45mph on it if I get nabbed fair enough I know I should not have done it. If someone speeds up the back of me I will not also speed up because of that fact he/she can overtake if they want.

You surprise me.


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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As pathetic as your replies have been I do agree with that sentiment, however in case you missed it I'm annoyed at the amount of danger I felt I was in by doing so on a motorway where the road was clear at 2am. Even entering a slip road which required a slow down to 30mph was practically suicide with a lorry behind me.

If language is a barrier let us know.


Sorry I thought this was an open forum where you could disagree with people breaking the law, no matter what circumstances they think it is ok to do so.

Langauge as a barrier? What are you on about Justine?

Of course you can disagree with people, that's what these types of forums are for, but do you have to be rude too?



Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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My thought too. Name calling is a bit pathetic. Wouldn't do it face to face, so why on here?

Of course you can disagree with people, that's what these types of forums are for, but do you have to be rude too?



It's not just that Adey, it's the fact that I'm actually put in danger by the signs. 3am on an empty road and I'm feeling like someone is going to run me off the road even though there's only 5 cars there or a lorry right behind me or people going past at 80 when I'm doing 40. I honestly felt like I could have been involved in 3 crashes on a flipping empty road!

No one... and I mean no one does 30mph down an empty slip coming off the motorway at 70mph at 3am when there's no cars on the road and it's a mile long. In the day time or when when there's traffic building it's a totally different issue. Likewise you don't do 40mph for fog for a 10 mile stretch when there's no fog.... or do you? These gantrys must be operated to say when there IS a 'queue ahead' so how come they don't go off when there ISN'T one?????????

If we knew that EVERY sign was a definite and that you'd get popped it would be a different matter altogether as people would expect you to follow the limit of the sign and would expect you to be slowing down. I'd rather they made the limit on the motorway 50mph (as I said, I'm not a boy racer) and had every camera 100% active for 51mph. Then we could just all be safe chugging along.

I'd suggest that you should go on an advanced drivers course mate.


Ahh, the 'speed kills' argument. The only logical conclusion to that argument is banning all cars and cutting road traffic deaths to zero, unless someone will specify an acceptable number of road deaths so that we can set speed limits in a scientific risk-based way.

A proper driving test and awareness course would help reduce road deaths. That said speed does kill whether you want to dress it up or not. Go and look at your stopping distances. The speed kills campaigns are not designed for motorways they are designed for driving in built up areas.

For what its worth I'd reduce speed limits to 20 in built up areas and 10 around schools etc.


Bet a night out with you is a hoot. Guess you never go above the daily units.

A night out with Fabian is a hoot, actually its one of the funniest nights you'll have. His chat and craic is second to none as anyone who has spent time with him will testify.

Maybe you should reel in the personal attacks until you know the person. You made a tit of yourself last year in a similar manor.


Ryder Cup Winner
Dec 31, 2011
Central Scotland
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James, I've just read your OP again, now am I right in saying the complaint is being done for speeding? Even though you still would have been speeding had there been no restrictions?

83mph is 13mph over the fastest speed permitted on a UK public road.