Speed camera rant!!!!


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
What ever the speed limit is just simply stick to it. Simples

As pathetic as your replies have been I do agree with that sentiment, however in case you missed it I'm annoyed at the amount of danger I felt I was in by doing so on a motorway where the road was clear at 2am. Even entering a slip road which required a slow down to 30mph was practically suicide with a lorry behind me.

If language is a barrier let us know.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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A bit off track but I remember driving in Germany at night 30 years ago and they had a system through cities where the traffic lights were always green on the major routes and flashed amber on approaching junctions, you treated these amber lights as a normal junction where you pull out when it's clear. Much more sensible and kept the main roads flowing through the night.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Drinking when playing golf is not against the rules. You can have a drink if you want.

Tut, Tut!! Very dangerous, hitting nasty hard golf balls under the influence when there are people around. Nearly as bad as driving at 32 in a 30 limit and that would never do would it.

Matter of interest. Have you ever had a parking ticket or a point on your licence?


Tour Winner
Jan 4, 2009
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I'm annoyed at the amount of danger I felt I was in by doing so on a motorway where the road was clear at 2am. Even entering a slip road which required a slow down to 30mph was practically suicide with a lorry behind me.

If the road was clear, how come there was so much traffic about?


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 11, 2011
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What ever the speed limit is just simply stick to it. Simples

Out of interest, if someone looked into a road that is currently 50mph and discovered the road would be no more dangerous to drive down if you raised the limit to 60mph, would you support the change to raise the speed limit? So everyone could be going up to 10mph faster without breaking the law.

Really, my question is do you believe that there are speed limits out there that are set wrong and that the right way to go about solving the problem is to campaign/petition to get the limits raised rather than just breaking them?


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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Near Tring, Herts on the way to Marsworth there is a national speed limit sign, 50 yards further on there is the biggest chuffing humped backed bridge over a canal in the history of humped backed bridges, blind summit, narrows to 1 lane, very dangerous if you dont realize its there.....

As I didn't one night, hit this bridge doing about 40, almost took off, came down with an almighty thump, gawd knows what it to my suspension

My car is a Citroen C4 Picasso Grand 7 seater people carrier

So the prize for the worst positioned speed sign goes to.......


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Near Tring, Herts on the way to Marsworth there is a national speed limit sign, 50 yards further on there is the biggest chuffing humped backed bridge over a canal in the history of humped backed bridges, blind summit, narrows to 1 lane, very dangerous if you dont realize its there.....

As I didn't one night, hit this bridge doing about 40, almost took off, came down with an almighty thump, gawd knows what it to my suspension

My car is a Citroen C4 Picasso Grand 7 seater people carrier

So the prize for the worst positioned speed sign goes to.......

Is there not a sign for the bridge too........?
And the one through Puttenham is bigger!
Speed limit signs have to be placed a certain distance apart - that's why sometimes you get a sign for 50 and then 200 yards later a sign for 30..


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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The saddest thing about this thread is there a guy getting a hard time for suggesting people should stick to the speed limit.

Well, I think he is stating his view a bit more strongly than that, and is also suggesting that breaking the speed limit is dangerous. The fact is that breaking the speed limit is not evidence, per se, of hazard, nor is sticking to it evidence of anything much either. Also, many speed limits are no longer appropriate for the roads they are placed on, and some reflect local activism by those who simply want fewer cars passing, regardless of whether they pose an unacceptable hazard or not. Others reflect blatant revenue gathering by the police, with no direct benefit to either road users or local residents.

Most sensible commentators recognise that the "safe" speed for any given road varies according to the road conditions, weight of traffic and condition of the car and skill of the driver. A granny driving her Micra at 30mph on the M4 may cause more accidents than a BMW at 80.

He is quite correct, however, to say that if you break the limit, you risk a fine or worse. But I think we know that.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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The saddest thing about this thread is there a guy getting a hard time for suggesting people should stick to the speed limit.

Very true....no wonder there are so many poor drivers around. Not for one minute would they think they were poor drivers though.

James was worried that a professional driver in a lorry would rear end him and probably lose his job.
Get over, just looking for excuses.

Re granny driving.
I used to know a tiny 82 year old great granny who was done for driving her big beamer at 83mph on the A9.
She was a decent driver and mortified when the press picked up the story, especially when they gave out her age.
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Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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I think he problem with this thread is exactly the same as when we have debated drink driving. People will never have the same opinion on driving speeds and will never come up with a good reason why they where speeding because there is not one, there are only excuses.

People I think have lost the point of the post along the way. All James was trying to highlight was at times there are speed limits that are lower than the standard speed limit for that road being imposed for no apparent reason.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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All James was trying to highlight was at times there are speed limits that are lower than the standard speed limit for that road being imposed for no apparent reason.

These are used to slow traffic approaching a queue. It may be a couple of miles away but by slowing the traffic that far back, it gives those in the queue time to clear it and therefore everyone keeps moving. If there is a queue - and you often can't see further than a mile on a Motorway anyway - and everyone piles towards it at 85 then it will get longer and everyone will have to stop.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
James was worried that a professional driver in a lorry would rear end him and probably lose his job.
Get over, just looking for excuses.

Having seen a lorry jack knife right behind me in the past (icy conditions) I am fully aware of what 'professional' drivers are capable of. I don't need an excuse, I was going too fast..... but there was insufficient warning for a situation that didn't even exist. My error was assuming that the sign was there as an advisory and not an ultimatum.

Well, I think he is stating his view a bit more strongly than that, and is also suggesting that breaking the speed limit is dangerous. The fact is that breaking the speed limit is not evidence, per se, of hazard, nor is sticking to it evidence of anything much either. Also, many speed limits are no longer appropriate for the roads they are placed on, and some reflect local activism by those who simply want fewer cars passing, regardless of whether they pose an unacceptable hazard or not. Others reflect blatant revenue gathering by the police, with no direct benefit to either road users or local residents.

Most sensible commentators recognise that the "safe" speed for any given road varies according to the road conditions, weight of traffic and condition of the car and skill of the driver. A granny driving her Micra at 30mph on the M4 may cause more accidents than a BMW at 80.

He is quite correct, however, to say that if you break the limit, you risk a fine or worse. But I think we know that.


Anyone who thinks it's right to have a 50mph limit at 2am for a 'queue ahead' when there isn't one is clearly either an idiot or just trolling the thread to be provocative, speeding or not.
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