Journeyman Pro
Is there a ‘need’ for any car to do over 80 on any road? If not, shouldn’t all cars be limited to this?
For track days the organisers could have special one-off override codes.
Over in the UK probably not.. sure people will argue "but I might drive to germany one day and then im a danger on the autobahns" prob never go to germany .. just another what if
id say limiting UK cars to 80mph wouldnt be a bad thing at all, limit is 70 and allows for all these "emergency" situations that come up in doomsday planning or brief moments people say I need to go over to get back down again
will defo make the roads safer... 2 lane roads yesterday for example back over into the left hand lane doing 70 come to a car everytime doing 55-60 (fine perfectly safe) go to overtake and there is Mr hoover exhaust bombing past about 90-100mph who then catch the car in front.. flash them.. and then undertake and get stuck .. everytime