I read a piece a couple of days ago. It was about the tolerances that different police forces have when considering drivers who have been clocked as speeding. The difference in “ accepted “ tolerances was truly head scratching.
The rule of thumb used to be 10% + 2mph - so you would only be prosecuted for speeding in a 40mph limit if you were doing 46mph or more. That used to be nationwide as they were ACPO guidelines.
I’m not sure if the same standards apply today, although I suspect not. I heard, anecdotally I must stress, that motorway cameras in a neighbouring force area to the one in which I served were set in recent years at 85mph. The rationale, I was told, was that they simply didn’t have the civilian office staff available to process the huge number of drivers exceeding the 70mph limit (plus whatever tolerance they applied), so opted for 85.
Certainly, when I worked on the motorways, I wouldn’t even have looked at a driver for speeding unless they were travelling well over 80-85mph. Otherwise I’d never have made it in for tea and doughnuts ?