Random Irritations

Sky broadband been down for over an hour but website saying “no known problems” Twitter says otherwise.

It’s a DNS issue affecting browsing - either change your DNS on your router to manual and point to google DNS ( and ) or do it on your devices that you have connected
It’s a DNS issue affecting browsing - either change your DNS on your router to manual and point to google DNS ( and ) or do it on your devices that you have connected

Tbh I saw that here......

But I have not the first idea what it means so I’ve turned the WiFi off on my phone for now and am using mobile data. Hopefully they will fix it soon.
Mrs d booked to get the carpets cleaned today and the guy needed power so she decided to unplug the internet router while I’m working.
Good job I auto save things every 10 mins or a whole 150 page insurance policy I’ve drafted would've been lost
Can you not get their own brand cartridge?
Possibly, tried in past with non original product brand cartridges, didn't work out. Also in a hurry today, forgot phone so couldn't look that up in store.
Would've normally got online but no time.
Just paid £35 in Tesco for an HP301xl black printer cartridge, another random irritation.
Get used to using at least 5x as much ink and paper!
From the conversations, webinars, emails etc I've had with carriers they are going to allow most invoices to simply be uploaded, you won't need physical copies. Whether that happens on a practical level I don't know. I have 3 shipments to send into Europe on Tuesday so I will find out more on the 4th when I'm back in.

Sadly, I suspect you will be right. Another chunk of rainforest wasted ?
Magpies who use my garden as a toilet. There are 3 patches of cow pat sized mess, stuff a cow would be proud of, and loads more smaller patches. It's horrible out there.
The fact that the various Mountain Rescue teams in the Lake District have seen a 70% increase in call outs this month.

Majority of those rescued where from outside the local areas...........
cannot find my sympathy.. seem to have miss placed it ☹️.
Also fed up of celebrating women in engineering or women in motorsport or women in anything... none of these vocations said “no” on gender grounds they never have, they are just selective as a whole about who has success and who doesn’t.
What is scary is my son not getting the education he needs because we are trying to over right a wrong and neglecting boys.
Equality is about everyone ... and on a less serious note, why cannot I get my moobs out on Instagram and make a million ???? Or be paid to keep them in?
The fact that the various Mountain Rescue teams in the Lake District have seen a 70% increase in call outs this month.

Majority of those rescued where from outside the local areas...........

If there from outside the area I'd charge them on the spot.
If they don't pay ..................... leave 'em.
If there from outside the area I'd charge them on the spot.
If they don't pay ..................... leave 'em.
Yep your correct. I’d issue mountain rescue with a contactless chip & pin machine. You could have tiered payment options. 1- basic first aid followed by being rolled down the mountain, up to tier 3, the deluxe option, including the full St. Bernard experience, inc brandy & mince pies followed by full helicopter evacuation ?
Can't do that. In most of these remote areas you can't get a mobile signal for the payment devices. Aside from that I'd agree with you.

And that raises another irritation.

How is it that in films, TV series, etc our heroes and villains can get a good signal where ever they are in the world (desert, outback, in lifts) whereas I, and neighbours on different providers, often can't get a signal from the nearest tower less than 1/2 mile away?
cannot find my sympathy.. seem to have miss placed it ☹️.
Also fed up of celebrating women in engineering or women in motorsport or women in anything... none of these vocations said “no” on gender grounds they never have, they are just selective as a whole about who has success and who doesn’t.
What is scary is my son not getting the education he needs because we are trying to over right a wrong and neglecting boys.
Equality is about everyone ... and on a less serious note, why cannot I get my moobs out on Instagram and make a million ???? Or be paid to keep them in?

Why do you think your son is not getting the education he needs?