Random Irritations

Ye Olde Boomer

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2019
An hour northwest of Boston
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With your 8 guns

My eight guns, none of which are paramilitary weapons, are certainly not any threat to you.
I've yet to aim one of them at a living creature.
I used to punch holes in paper targets with them. Now, I don't even do that.

Try to understand that America was one of the very first nations to be born with guns rather than swords and lances.
Firearms are in our DNA.
Our right to bear them is in our very Constitution.
By themselves, they are inanimate objects incapable of doing harm.
Not being a murderer or maniac, I'm not going to do any harm with them either.

I live in a place where everybody has guns.
We don't eat spotted dick for dessert.
We don't watch football played with a round ball by athletes in short pants.
Our bars don't close at 11 like your pubs.
We don't do the exact same things that you do, even though we like and respect you and value your friendship.

So yes, I come as a guest to your forum without my sporting arms and without any ill intentions.
It's hard for you to understand some things about us, and the reverse is true as well.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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My eight guns, none of which are paramilitary weapons, are certainly not any threat to you. They are still designed to kill
I've yet to aim one of them at a living creature. Which doesn't mean a burglar/toddler wouldn't.
I used to punch holes in paper targets with them. Now, I don't even do that. So why keep them?

Try to understand that America was one of the very first nations to be born with guns rather than swords and lances.
Firearms are in our DNA. No they're not
Our right to bear them is in our very Constitution. Muskets not Magnums/AK47S
By themselves, they are inanimate objects incapable of doing harm. They're still designed to kill
Not being a murderer or maniac, I'm not going to do any harm with them either. Which doesn't mean a burglar/toddler wouldn't

I live in a place where everybody has guns. I don't believe that
We don't eat spotted dick for dessert. Irrelevant ?
We don't watch football played with a round ball by athletes in short pants. Yes you do
Our bars don't close at 11 like your pubs. Not always
We don't do the exact same things that you do, even though we like and respect you and value your friendship. Thank you

So yes, I come as a guest to your forum without my sporting arms and without any ill intentions. Welcome

It's hard for you to understand some things about us, and the reverse is true as well.

Except your more civilised than us because you'd rather shoot people in the head than have a drunken punch up and your big SUVs are better than our small saloons.
I really hope you're on a wind up.

Fade and Die

Medal Winner
Apr 12, 2014
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My eight guns, none of which are paramilitary weapons, are certainly not any threat to you.
I've yet to aim one of them at a living creature.
I used to punch holes in paper targets with them. Now, I don't even do that.

Try to understand that America was one of the very first nations to be born with guns rather than swords and lances.
Firearms are in our DNA.
Our right to bear them is in our very Constitution.
By themselves, they are inanimate objects incapable of doing harm.
Not being a murderer or maniac, I'm not going to do any harm with them either.

I live in a place where everybody has guns.
We don't eat spotted dick for dessert.
We don't watch football played with a round ball by athletes in short pants.
Our bars don't close at 11 like your pubs.
We don't do the exact same things that you do, even though we like and respect you and value your friendship.

So yes, I come as a guest to your forum without my sporting arms and without any ill intentions.
It's hard for you to understand some things about us, and the reverse is true as well.

You know why we don’t have a problem with guns? We decided one school massacre was enough. You didn’t.



Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Ye Olde Boomer

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2019
An hour northwest of Boston
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You know why we don’t have a problem with guns? We decided one school massacre was enough. You didn’t.

I've been told about that by a UK acquaintance.

Banning guns in the United States can't be done by a mere statute.
As private firearms ownership is constitutionally guaranteed, our constitution itself would have to be amended.
First, both chambers of our congress would have to approve sending the measure to the states.
Then 34 of the fifty state legislatures would have to approve the amendment.

That's impossible. America is a very polarized nation. Even if both legislative chambers (plus the president) approved, you couldn't get two/thirds of the states to agree that Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere. Coastal America calls Interior America "flyover country"--with profund disrespect and contempt. I'm guilty of that myself. Interior America has decided that Coastal America is Sodom and Gamorrah. We're every bit as divided as we were when our Civil War broke out. We're no longer merely political opponents. We're ideological enemies. How we haven't partitioned like some Eastern European nations have is a miracle.

I'm very unusual in the progressive liberal community as someone who is indifferent about gun control. I'll surrender my firearms if they give me the several thousand dollars that
they're worth. Most liberals highly favor it, though.

Middle America would go to war before agreeing to it. So that's where we are.

Ye Olde Boomer

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2019
An hour northwest of Boston
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Until their government puts safety before the income guns produce them in taxes etc it will never change

Plus you get idiots who think owning guns are perfectly fine and dandy because some old bit of paper says it is ...

I don't take kindly to being called an idiot by some puff who's afraid of guns and calls our constitution "some old bit of paper."
I haven't spoken disrespectively about you but I will now. You're brave over the internet, paulie.


Jul 11, 2009
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I've been told about that by a UK acquaintance.

Banning guns in the United States can't be done by a mere statute.
As private firearms ownership is constitutionally guaranteed, our constitution itself would have to be amended.
First, both chambers of our congress would have to approve sending the measure to the states.
Then 34 of the fifty state legislatures would have to approve the amendment.

That's impossible. America is a very polarized nation. Even if both legislative chambers (plus the president) approved, you couldn't get two/thirds of the states to agree that Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere. Coastal America calls Interior America "flyover country"--with profund disrespect and contempt. I'm guilty of that myself. Interior America has decided that Coastal America is Sodom and Gamorrah. We're every bit as divided as we were when our Civil War broke out. We're no longer merely political opponents. We're ideological enemies. How we haven't partitioned like some Eastern European nations have is a miracle.

I'm very unusual in the progressive liberal community as someone who is indifferent about gun control. I'll surrender my firearms if they give me the several thousand dollars that
they're worth. Most liberals highly favor it, though.

Middle America would go to war before agreeing to it. So that's where we are.
The amendment allows arms to form part of a militia. Everyone knows it could be easily removed from law if both sides agree to it but no one wants to lose the yeehaw patriotic redneck vote.

Fade and Die

Medal Winner
Apr 12, 2014
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I've been told about that by a UK acquaintance.

Banning guns in the United States can't be done by a mere statute.
As private firearms ownership is constitutionally guaranteed, our constitution itself would have to be amended.
First, both chambers of our congress would have to approve sending the measure to the states.
Then 34 of the fifty state legislatures would have to approve the amendment.

That's impossible. America is a very polarized nation. Even if both legislative chambers (plus the president) approved, you couldn't get two/thirds of the states to agree that Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere. Coastal America calls Interior America "flyover country"--with profund disrespect and contempt. I'm guilty of that myself. Interior America has decided that Coastal America is Sodom and Gamorrah. We're every bit as divided as we were when our Civil War broke out. We're no longer merely political opponents. We're ideological enemies. How we haven't partitioned like some Eastern European nations have is a miracle.

I'm very unusual in the progressive liberal community as someone who is indifferent about gun control. I'll surrender my firearms if they give me the several thousand dollars that
they're worth. Most liberals highly favor it, though.

Middle America would go to war before agreeing to it. So that's where we are.

Yes it’s all rather sad really.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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i'm not 100% sure our new member is serious or not, with the whole gun thing, personally, i do have 3 guns a shotgun and 22 and an air rifle, i don't use them that much TBH, i shoot from time to time. but i don't carry the things around with me in fact the spend most on the time in a locked case.

there may be a problem with knife crime in the some of the UK's inner cities, but no one is shooting each other for minor road rage or arguments in the street, which may not be the case in the US;)


Jul 11, 2009
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i'm not 100% sure our new member is serious or not, with the whole gun thing, personally, i do have 3 guns a shotgun and 22 and an air rifle, i don't use them that much TBH, i shoot from time to time. but i don't carry the things around with me in fact the spend most on the time in a locked case.

there may be a problem with knife crime in the some of the UK's inner cities, but no one is shooting each other for minor road rage or arguments in the street, which may not be the case in the US;)
Do you shoot animals for pleasure?

Ye Olde Boomer

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2019
An hour northwest of Boston
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i'm not 100% sure our new member is serious or not, with the whole gun thing, personally, i do have 3 guns a shotgun and 22 and an air rifle, i don't use them that much TBH, i shoot from time to time. but i don't carry the things around with me in fact the spend most on the time in a locked case.

there may be a problem with knife crime in the some of the UK's inner cities, but no one is shooting each other for minor road rage or arguments in the street, which may not be the case in the US;)

You're right in inferring that there's much too much gun violence in the United states. One would have to delusional to deny it.

I see that as a people problem more than a gun problem, however. People who were doing well elsewhere in the world didn't emigrate to America. People came here because they weren't highly appreciated where they already were. African Americans came in slave ships. Cambridge and Oxford didn't ship off there entire alumni to live here.

Our decent people aren't roaming about looking to cap one another's asses. My neighbors own guns to shoot at the club which abuts our neighborhood, not to blow one another's heads off.

We have too many disturbed and violent people here, and they behave according. Guns are merely inanimate objects.

You have a few thugs too...with knives, chains, clubs, and pipes. Me? I'd rather be shot than deal with that.
It was a bit unnerving to walk around a huge, crowded city like London and see cops without sidearms. It made me nervous to not be "walking heavy" myself.
You had some characters in the subway that looked as disreputable as the lowlifes we sometimes find on ours. At least you reminded us to "mind the gap" though.

Deleted member 15344

You're right in inferring that there's much too much gun violence in the United states. One would have to delusional to deny it.

I see that as a people problem more than a gun problem, however. People who were doing well elsewhere in the world didn't emigrate to America. People came here because they weren't highly appreciated where they already were. African Americans came in slave ships. Cambridge and Oxford didn't ship off there entire alumni to live here.

Our decent people aren't roaming about looking to cap one another's asses. My neighbors own guns to shoot at the club which abuts our neighborhood, not to blow one another's heads off.

We have too many disturbed and violent people here, and they behave according. Guns are merely inanimate objects.

You have a few thugs too...with knives, chains, clubs, and pipes. Me? I'd rather be shot than deal with that.
It was a bit unnerving to walk around a huge, crowded city like London and see cops without sidearms. It made me nervous to not be "walking heavy" myself.
You had some characters in the subway that looked as disreputable as the lowlifes we sometimes find on ours. At least you reminded us to "mind the gap" though.




Remove the “right to bear arms” and you will reduce the amount of gun crime

Whilst the US continue to allow anyone to have a fire arm - assault rifles etc etc then they will continue to watch their fellow Americans gun down school kids etc

People don’t need to “arm” themselves with the level of weaponary they do