Random Irritations


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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My old man use to do home brew in the late 70's. Apparently it could remove dentures and strip paint but he seemed to enjoy it. Had a sip once and thought it tasted dreadful which is probably why I shunned bitter for many years and became a lager boy


Head Pro
Oct 8, 2012
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I'll drink one if you drink the other.

I have to say that I will be very disappointed if it is very pleasant. I would be hoping for seriously weird. That would be so much better.
My father-in-law used to make wine. It was generally bad. One bottle he gave us sat unopened for a couple of years, and when we did eventually sample it, it had somehow transmogrified into something resembling sherry. I'm not a sherry drinker, but my wife said it was quite nice.

Sid Rixon IV

Head Pro
Jul 22, 2013
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My old man use to do home brew in the late 70's. Apparently it could remove dentures and strip paint but he seemed to enjoy it. Had a sip once and thought it tasted dreadful which is probably why I shunned bitter for many years and became a lager boy

My Dad did the same. He used to leave it ferment in the airing cupboard!
He'd sup it simply because he'd made it. It was awful. It would have been more use sprinkled on chips 😵‍💫


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I apologise if I came over argumentative, was just pointing out, along with the theme of the thread, that many people think their home made produce is amazing and sometimes it is so far off the mark but still give it out to others and expect them to love it and praise it.
Sorry again for the misunderstanding
Apology accepted.
If it was just one person, I'd add them to my ignore list (currently sitting at 12) and move on but it's not.
There's just too many people arguing the toss about anything and everything.

If anyone needs any help with their swing/game, pm me. I'll still get the e-mail.
I'm taking a break from this once fun place but don't worry, I'm not swanning off although a few will still accuse me of doing so.
So if someone asks for some help with their game and I don't answer, it's nothing personal , I just wont be here.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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My Dad did the same. He used to leave it ferment in the airing cupboard!
He'd sup it simply because he'd made it. It was awful. It would have been more use sprinkled on chips 😵‍💫
Thing was as a kid I'd have no idea if it was tasting how it should or should be used to clean drains. He was drinking it and gave me a taste so I went along with it. Didn't like it (but didn't say so) but it definitely jaundiced my view of bitter as a formulative drinker


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Just a minor irritation, more a disappointment I guess. MiL has a couple of dozen old 78s…and having gone through them I fear that none are of interesting big band/swing/jazz - and so, as far as I can deduce, completely worthless and not worth keeping. But are they? Or is it off to Oxfam or the skip they go.

ETA…If anyone from Sleaford is interested in White & Sentance record store; or Leicester’s Sir Herbert Marshall & Sons Ltd (Belvoir Galleries) or Leicester’s Dalton & Sons Ltd. I have for each a couple of 78s with covers for these record stores.
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