Random Irritations

Arthur Wedge

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May 8, 2024
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The name hasn’t been released

A fake news channel has been posting stuff about him and of course everyone with reform or Tommy Robinson supporters have leapt upon it

He is 17 which I believe means they will withhold his name

The police confirmed his name , where he was from and that it’s not terror related
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Fade and Die

Medal Winner
Apr 12, 2014
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The name hasn’t been released

A fake news channel has been posting stuff about him and of course everyone with reform or Tommy Robinson supporters have leapt upon it

He is 17 which I believe means they will withhold his name

The police confirmed his name , where he was from and that it’s not terror related
Let’s see shall we. I know what my money is on.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
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Oh, please. I’m strangely well aware of what the police are supposed to do, and pretty well acquainted with making decisions under duress, and in very similar situations to that seen at Manchester Airport.

At what point have I even come remotely close to suggesting that the police stand by and do nothing? What the police are supposed to do is deal with a situation, resolve that situation using the tools at their disposal, controlling, restraining and arresting if the circumstances require it. And at Manchester Airport all of those elements were required. But they still have to do all that whilst acting within the law. And the application of reasonable force is a legal principle. It’s not for any of us as individuals to make the rules up as we go along, and effectively say “he deserved it”. That’s not how it works, and to suggest otherwise is breathtakingly naive.

A key point you make, and it is in fact central to this whole issue, is when you say the officer had to make a decision to stop a violent suspect. Surely you can see the issue here - IF that man had been tasered, and IF he no longer posed an immediate threat, then it is going to be staggeringly difficult, on that basis alone, to argue that the level of force used had been reasonable.

There are still huge gaps in what is known, which is why I will continue to defer from making a final judgement. As I have said now more than once, the officer’s mindset is absolutely key to the decision making process. But I will say all day long that it is not the job of the police to act as judge and jury. It simply can’t be like that.

Of course, I am speaking from a police perspective. And I find it rather patronising to be asked “are you telling me you never used your own initiative to make a decision and referred everything to a higher power?”. I made decisions all day, every day, for nearly thirty years. It’s what police officers do. Especially those who, like me, worked in supervisory ranks.

The job is all about decisions. And the best piece of advice I was given was this; there’s no such thing as a wrong decision, only a poorly rationalised one. EDIT: If the officer can rationalise his decision to act as he did, he might be okay. If he can’t, he’s in a spot of bother.

So what would you have done in those circumstances? Female colleagues being battered, your hands tied with guns and an unreliable taser? Sat down for a chat? The foot is the only free tool.

I'm very aware of the law as I'm currently doing a law degree, so already know more than you do about law in technical terms.

Speak from a Police perspective all you want. I find it interesting you say you make decisions all day, every day but claim you can't act as a judge and jury. I'm not talking the whole time, but in low level incidents. You've never told a kid off for being wrong without involving the courts? Every single decision you made in your career, you had to verify it with the above powers? Of course not. You were acting as a decent copper should do. Common sense mixed with the law. To now claim otherwise is silly.
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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
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Absolutely shocking, kids at a dance and yoga class! Police have ruled out terrorism for now, (their words not mine) so that really only leaves mental illness. Bloody sad times.

Easy excuse for the Police now. A soldier was stabbed and within a few hours, the Police managed to put it down to mental illness!


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2024
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So what would you have done in those circumstances? Female colleagues being battered, your hands tied with guns and an unreliable taser? Sat down for a chat? The foot is the only free tool.

You've got officers there to arrest their Mum, a benefit scrounger who was refusing a search and her sons kicked off with armed Police. They should've both been shot. You attack armed Police, you get shot, simple as that. This whole mess gives carte blanche to others to attack Police and get away with it. Days on, no charges just a political cover up in the offing.

I'm very aware of the law as I'm currently doing a law degree, so already know more than you do about law in technical terms.

Speak from a Police perspective all you want. I find it interesting you say you make decisions all day, every day but claim you can't act as a judge and jury. I'm not talking the whole time, but in low level incidents. You've never told a kid off for being wrong without involving the courts? Every single decision you made in your career, you had to verify it with the above powers? Of course not. You were acting as a decent copper should do. Common sense mixed with the law. To now claim otherwise is silly.
Any experience outside of a classroom?

I reckon a Copper with over 30 years experience will of forgotten more than you think you know.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
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Well quite frankly nobody in their right mind would murder anyone ....

I think you live in a bubble if you think only mentally ill people commit murder.

Mental illness is used as a defence to reduce the sentence and avoid the real reason for these killings.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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I think you live in a bubble if you think only mentally ill people commit murder.

Mental illness is used as a defence to reduce the sentence and avoid the real reason for these killings.

Do you really think any sane person commits murder? A sane person willingly takes a life unlawfully?

I think you need to look in mirror about that bubble mate.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
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Any experience outside of a classroom?

I reckon a Copper with over 30 years experience will of forgotten more than you think you know.

Plenty of life experience as I only got into law in my mid 30's.

As I said, I respect Billy's career but I can still offer a different view and question him on things, no? That's what has been lost from politics these days, two sides having a healthy debate and agreeing on a few things, despite differences.

But the sad thing is, the old school coppers like Billy have gone and we've now got a right mess in their place.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
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Do you really think any sane person commits murder? A sane person willingly takes a life unlawfully?

I think you need to look in mirror about that bubble mate.

Using your logic, why aren't all murderers in Broadmoor? If they're mentally ill and can't be controlled? People commit murder for various reasons. Crimes of passion, armed theft, drug crimes etc.

No offence but I don't want to waste my time explaining this further to someone like you, who clearly has no idea.


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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So what would you have done in those circumstances? Female colleagues being battered, your hands tied with guns and an unreliable taser? Sat down for a chat? The foot is the only free tool.

You've got officers there to arrest their Mum, a benefit scrounger who was refusing a search and her sons kicked off with armed Police. They should've both been shot. You attack armed Police, you get shot, simple as that. This whole mess gives carte blanche to others to attack Police and get away with it. Days on, no charges just a political cover up in the offing.

I'm very aware of the law as I'm currently doing a law degree, so already know more than you do about law in technical terms.

Speak from a Police perspective all you want. I find it interesting you say you make decisions all day, every day but claim you can't act as a judge and jury. I'm not talking the whole time, but in low level incidents. You've never told a kid off for being wrong without involving the courts? Every single decision you made in your career, you had to verify it with the above powers? Of course not. You were acting as a decent copper should do. Common sense mixed with the law. To now claim otherwise is silly.

You know more about the law than me “in technical terms”? Because you’ve read a few books? You know absolutely zip about what background I have when it comes to studying the law and, with the utmost respect, you clearly have absolutely no clue about it’s application.

I’m done here. I have absolutely no wish to perpetuate an exchange with an armchair expert whose primary objective is to try and provoke a reaction.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2024
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Plenty of life experience as I only got into law in my mid 30's.

As I said, I respect Billy's career but I can still offer a different view and question him on things, no? That's what has been lost from politics these days, two sides having a healthy debate and agreeing on a few things, despite differences.

But the sad thing is, the old school coppers like Billy have gone and we've now got a right mess in their place.
At no stage have I said him or anybody shouldn’t be questioned or have a different point of view, but you stated you have more knowledge than him, which clearly you don’t and then you patronise him by calling him an “old school copper”


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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The new design on bottles of Sainsbury's golden syrup. The (supposed) non drip lid has obviously been changed for cheaper materials and now continues to drip after you stop squeezing. Sticky bottle, hands and cupboard now the result 🤬😡


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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The new design on bottles of Sainsbury's golden syrup. The (supposed) non drip lid has obviously been changed for cheaper materials and now continues to drip after you stop squeezing. Sticky bottle, hands and cupboard now the result 🤬😡

Pic or it didn't happen
