Random Irritations

Arthur Wedge

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May 8, 2024
Leighton Buzzard
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No one is saying what you are stating, but you have condemned the Copper from the beginning.

You haven’t heard his version of events or any justification he may or may not try to provide.

Let due process take place.

And I stand by opinion that the policeman’s actions after the man was tazered and on the floor prone was going above the law and wrong - he imo went too far

Fade and Die

Medal Winner
Apr 12, 2014
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It’s a difficult, grey area for the police. What is viewed as dishing out restorative justice, what is retaliation and what force can be used to contain a volatile situation? A thank god more experienced people than us will make that determination.
Seems pretty straightforward to me having watched the whole video, it was down to adrenaline, anyone who has ever had a scrap in their life knows adrenaline arrives late then hangs around a little too long. Took the policeman just a beat too long to get it under control.

Who was it that said “We sleep peacefully in our beds tonight because rough men are willing to do terrible things on our behalf”?


Sep 11, 2011
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When did anyone suggest anything about giving them a hug and sending them to Safari ?

Are you being deliberately obtuse? Did I say send THEM on safari? I was referring to soft sentences.
The justice that needs to be served is decided by judges and jury after they have gone through process

Yes the punishment does need to fit the crime and I believe it’s not a bad balance in the main here

I think you’ll find, when you Google it, that far too often people who’ve committed assault get away with light sentences. More often than not it’s a fine or community service, i.e. litter picking. How do you protect the public from someone who uses the level of violence we saw used on the police by sending them out litter picking?
But that justice isn’t carried out by the arresting copper etc

Absolutely. I was on about a deterrent, i.e. that the Police can use a level of force that deters individuals from assault. There is a difference between reactive and proactive. Those assailants had shown they were willing to use extreme violence.

To reiterate, the stamp was unacceptable but there’s a mountain of mitigation to consider.


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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It’s a difficult, grey area for the police. What is viewed as dishing out restorative justice, what is retaliation and what force can be used to contain a volatile situation? A thank god more experienced people than us will make that determination.

What force can be used to contain a volatile situation? Simple, and yet complicated at the same time. That which is reasonable in the circumstances.

Any police officer response to resolve a situation ranges from their mere presence at an incident, at the bottom end of the scale, right through to the use of lethal force at the other.

And all the way through that scale, the key word is reasonable.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2024
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What force can be used to contain a volatile situation? Simple, and yet complicated at the same time. That which is reasonable in the circumstances.

Any police officer response to resolve a situation ranges from their mere presence at an incident, at the bottom end of the scale, right through to the use of lethal force at the other.

And all the way through that scale, the key word is reasonable.
So, if that copper was to claim he believed the violent attacker was going to get to his feet because the taser had failed to control him…

Arthur Wedge

Well-known member
May 8, 2024
Leighton Buzzard
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Are you being deliberately obtuse? Did I say send THEM on safari? I was referring to soft sentences.


I think you’ll find, when you Google it, that far too often people who’ve committed assault get away with light sentences. More often than not it’s a fine or community service, i.e. litter picking. How do you protect the public from someone who uses the level of violence we saw used on the police by sending them out litter picking?

Absolutely. I was on about a deterrent, i.e. that the Police can use a level of force that deters individuals from assault. There is a difference between reactive and proactive. Those assailants had shown they were willing to use extreme violence.

To reiterate, the stamp was unacceptable but there’s a mountain of mitigation to consider.
There will always be criminals that get away with light sentences - and that’s all over the world , perfect example is the child rapist at the Olympics right now

The police were armed and have the authority to use those if required , that’s a huge deterrent and they still were willing to use violence.

The issue will come down to what’s deemed as reasonable - using a tazer to render a guy prone and unable to move whilst they handcuff him is imo reasonable

The two people that assaulted the three coppers imo should be behind bars for a considerable period of time


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
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Pretty much spot on. Whether force used is reasonable is a question of fact for a jury to decide. A police officer, same as anyone else, has to rationalise their use of force and, if charged, a jury will decide if that use of force is reasonable.

I absolutely understand the popular reaction to all of this, and as I have said none of us know the officer’s mindset so we therefore cannot begin to assess whether his actions were reasonable given all of the circumstances.

But nobody, the police included, can turn around and mete out their own justice solely in response to provocation. The justification must be far stronger.

You don't think justification is physically assaulting a plethora of officers, two of whom were female? That isn't provocation, it's violent disorder. Throw in these officers were armed and had to be wary of the threat of being disarmed and shot.

Call me old school, but it's the job of the Police to act as judge and jury in the heat of the moment, rather than turn a blind eye and pass it on to the courts.

I suspect it'll all be brushed under the carpet to avoid inflaming tensions with a nice meet and greet photo shoot!