Random Irritations


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
Do people protest like this when police officers are hurt and killed during the line of duty? No. It seems acceptable for a police officer to be seriously hurt.
I in no way condone what the officer has alledgedly done, but people are all to ready to criticise the police with no understanding the pressures they are under.
They are human after all.
We are seeing the reaction of the officer. As has been said, lets see what the alleged attacker did.
As I say, I am not condoning any violence by the officer.


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
His arms are not by his side, only one arm is, the other is held by a female, who could be passing him something or hiding something for him!

See what I did there, made a story up!

There’s no mention, yet, of any of those arrested needing hospital treament but to you it has the potential of being the UK’s George Floyd moment.

So you are already being judge & jury and still no sympathy or mention for the 3 Police Officers needing Hospital treatment! When will you condemn the arrested for that.

It’s not up to you or I to decide who is or isn’t fit to be a Policeman, there job is probably the worst one in the Country at the moment and imo deserve our support.

You either believe in the rule of law or you don’t.

Let’s see what the legal process decides before hanging him out to dry, or does he not deserve to be treated fairly?🤔
Some people are all to happy to jump on the "all police officers are b******s" bandwagon (except when they need them of course, then it's "where is a police officer when you need one").


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Clearly from the evidence in the public domain there is a world of difference between the soldier incident and the Manchester airport incident, both of which are hideous. In the soldier incident there is an arrest and so the law will decide what charges (if any) are bought and seek a motive. The airport case is ongoing although an office is now suspended https://news.sky.com/story/police-o...ed-on-the-head-at-manchester-airport-13184624 and we will see what the investigations finds and what action is subsequently taken based on that.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2024
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Clearly from the evidence in the public domain there is a world of difference between the soldier incident and the Manchester airport incident, both of which are hideous. In the soldier incident there is an arrest and so the law will decide what charges (if any) are bought and seek a motive. The airport case is ongoing although an office is now suspended https://news.sky.com/story/police-o...ed-on-the-head-at-manchester-airport-13184624 and we will see what the investigations finds and what action is subsequently taken based on that.
There are also 4 men arrested in Manchester!🤬


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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Given that discussing anything political on here is banned, I am VERY surprised that this highly emotive subject is being allowed to be debated, AKA argued about. 🤷‍♂️

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Given that discussing anything political on here is banned, I am VERY surprised that this highly emotive subject is being allowed to be debated, AKA argued about. 🤷‍♂️
Disagreements are okay, as long as people are civil to each other. So far, every one has been. That wasn't the case with political subjects, hence why they were banned. It's a forum though, debate is what it is about.

I think this has probably run its course now and everyone can go back to regular irritations.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Oh the hassle sorting out three trusts my MiL had set up decades ago in each of which she held an investment bond - with my wife and her brother as beneficiaries. She had herself and her sister (wife’s aunt) as trustees. Unfortunately my wife’s aunt died a couple years ago and my MiL has advancing dementia and had a stroke earlier this year so unable to sign any documentation registering the trusts with HMRC (she should have done that a couple of years ago but wasn’t aware) and assigning a new trustee.

My MiL never told my wife or her brother anything about the trusts - they didn’t know they existed. If they’d known we’d have been able to get ahead of things before the recent age-related health calamities. We’d have advised the bank of the death of a trustee and sorted a new one - as they require. Trying to sort this out now with HMRC and the bank the investments are with, is now going to require solicitor support, as well as that which we are getting from our financial planner.

Advice. If you are setting up trusts, make sure the beneficiaries are aware and that they understand the nature and details of them - and what they’d have to do outside of probate in the event of, such as, a trustee dying. Indeed some forms of trust have a legal requirement to make beneficiaries aware.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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i think you missed the female officer having her nose broke and reports that the firearms were trying to be removed from the officers.
Whilst I am not saying what was done is right, we don’t know the full facts of the full event and I’m not surprised there isn’t any video of what went on before this.
I never missed it as it’s not been shown yet and as such we can only go on what’s shown on TV.

If someone attacked me and broke my nose while I was armed they would be in the hospital or the morgue.

If they are trying to get the guns off the officers I find it strange why nobody wasn’t shot.


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May 25, 2024
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I never missed it as it’s not been shown yet and as such we can only go on what’s shown on TV.

If someone attacked me and broke my nose while I was armed they would be in the hospital or the morgue.

If they are trying to get the guns off the officers I find it strange why nobody wasn’t shot.
A very pertinent point. I would fully expect and support any officer who carried this out.

Maybe i'm just cynical but i refuse to believe that happened.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I never missed it as it’s not been shown yet and as such we can only go on what’s shown on TV.

If someone attacked me and broke my nose while I was armed they would be in the hospital or the morgue.

If they are trying to get the guns off the officers I find it strange why nobody wasn’t shot.
Definitely more to come out on this


Active member
May 25, 2024
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No videos of the police being attacked yet, I wonder if some exist but the story is being managed somewhat. Doesn’t look good from the policeman on initial viewing though, could have killed the bloke. Maybe the guy on the floor shouted he had a bomb or a gun, it’s really hard to tell.
I missed this casual racial point. He would have to be some sort of brainless idiot to shout that.

Luckily i have read the 3 GMP press released statements, i know this catergorically never happened. Phew!!