Random Irritations

Fade and Die

Medal Winner
Apr 12, 2014
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I invited them as it’s the wife’s birthday and we generally always do things like this as a sextet. There’s 4 in the group who love the Foo Fighters so it made sense we all go together again. I won’t be arranging stuff with them in the future as it’s twice I’ve been burned now.

Apparently we are all watching the F1 race on the Sunday afternoon now. I don’t really like F1 🤦🏻
Sack that off, you and the Mrs go to Camden market, wander around enjoying the vibe and filling your face. 😁


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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My neighbour. My life he is either incredibly inconsiderate or a bit thick.

So last week his building work started. Day after mine. His drive is covered in skips so his builder was half on the shared drive half on his drive. His builder was good as gold. I said look my kids are away this week I've got rid of one of the cars so my mate will arrive 9am every day to help decorate, so you can park half on my drive so you can get the work done. The other side had said drive over his to get on and off. All good

This week I said will need to be bit more room because their back and nans need to park etc . He was very helpful

However the neighbour. My god

Today I'm driving home , Mrs says your dad's on drive so I just parked round corner until he left then moved it

What's my neighbour do? Park on the non yellow line road? (That you could park on but I wouldn't , it would prob get hit), park round corner until his builder goes? Nope just park on the pavement. Blocking access to the road.. tbh if the council saw it he would get a ticket (builders have before in past)

Luckily I managed to reverse off the other side even with his cousins van back for the day.

Like seriously. Round the corner is 2 mins walk. Proper lazy . Or ask your other neighbour can I leave it on your drive for an hour? I mean he's lovely he let us park when our loft was done.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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Was sat in the garden earlier today searching on my phone, via Google, for a new paddling pool for the kids. Rejected cookies on every site I visited. Found one I liked and ordered it. So why am I now seeing adverts for paddling pools popping up on my Facebook feed while on my laptop this evening?


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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Was sat in the garden earlier today searching on my phone, via Google, for a new paddling pool for the kids. Rejected cookies on every site I visited. Found one I liked and ordered it. So why am I now seeing adverts for paddling pools popping up on my Facebook feed while on my laptop this evening?

Because you used Google?

Alan Clifford

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2020
51.24545572099906, -0.5221967037089511
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Was sat in the garden earlier today searching on my phone, via Google, for a new paddling pool for the kids. Rejected cookies on every site I visited. Found one I liked and ordered it. So why am I now seeing adverts for paddling pools popping up on my Facebook feed while on my laptop this evening?
Facebook links maybe. I have a Firefox addon called "Facebook container" that is supposed to block facebook stuff on webpages.