Random Irritations


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Woke started off as something different than it is now with all good intentions and whether you like it or not it is not the same as the literal meaning when it appeared. It is now totally morphed into cancel culture brigade from any of the causes that try and "disrupt and protect" our society from BLM, Just Stop Oil and all the rightous across the univesity world in Europe and US that try to stop debate and free speach. Hopefully the tide is turning on this. Anyway, not going into this any further so as Bob says "i am out"!

I'd argue it's been weaponised by the media rather than the groups involved, incorrectly labeling thing as woke to wind people up


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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Words, and their use evolves over time. Once upon a time, if you said someone was gay, you meant they were happy. It has now evolved to mean their sexuality as well but no one uses it in the original sense although it still means this. The same has happened with woke, it now means more than one thing and using it in either way does not mean you are using it wrong.

However, this forum sometimes reflects life and some people think that if someone has a different view to them then they are wrong and will not accept as different point of view 😡


LIV Bot, (But Not As Big As Mel) ?
Oct 9, 2020
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Words, and their use evolves over time. Once upon a time, if you said someone was gay, you meant they were happy. It has now evolved to mean their sexuality as well but no one uses it in the original sense although it still means this. The same has happened with woke, it now means more than one thing and using it in either way does not mean you are using it wrong.

However, this forum sometimes reflects life and some people think that if someone has a different view to them then they are wrong and will not accept as different point of view 😡
There is a vast difference between language evolving, or a word being used for two or more meanings and a group of people taking a word and using it as an insult.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2023
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perhaps Mr Wokingham has not even watched it and perhaps he objects to evrything historic being reclassified to appease the cancel culture mob of today when there are much better uses of human capital and resources but thanks you for raisng your hand to stand up for the wokification of society. Maybe teaching history it was and teaching today's society to understand how some things that were wrong then that are not acceptable now would be a better policy rather than changing, sensoring or limiting access to history.
How is allowing a racist term to remain in place but making sure parents know it’s there “cancel culture”?

You have extremely strong views on this matter, it’s clear you aren’t even really considering what you’re saying.

Fade and Die

Medal Winner
Apr 12, 2014
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Words, and their use evolves over time. Once upon a time, if you said someone was gay, you meant they were happy. It has now evolved to mean their sexuality as well but no one uses it in the original sense although it still means this. The same has happened with woke, it now means more than one thing and using it in either way does not mean you are using it wrong.

However, this forum sometimes reflects life and some people think that if someone has a different view to them then they are wrong and will not accept as different point of view 😡

Indeed, my 83 year old West Cumbrian mother in law still says she’s “had a gay time” she also calls my niece “a slut” because her bedrooms a mess!😄


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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How is allowing a racist term to remain in place but making sure parents know it’s there “cancel culture”?

You have extremely strong views on this matter, it’s clear you aren’t even really considering what you’re saying.

This is actually an approach I agree with. Do not edit or censor but do warn of what is coming. I would also add that, in situations like this and in the age of drop down menus etc, perhaps access to an explanation of the terms that are now deemed offensive would be useful so as a parent can be prepared to explain the term and why it is no longer accepted as the child is going to have no understanding of the term in question or why it is no longer used.

I actually think that the use of certification and general warnings is at best a half step when, in fact, the situation and terminology can be used to educate. In that way can perhaps preserve some of our film and TV history whilst also letting the next generation understand why some parts were seen very differently to how they are now.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2023
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This is actually an approach I agree with. Do not edit or censor but do warn of what is coming. I would also add that, in situations like this and in the age of drop down menus etc, perhaps access to an explanation of the terms that are now deemed offensive would be useful so as a parent can be prepared to explain the term and why it is no longer accepted as the child is going to have no understanding of the term in question or why it is no longer used.

I actually think that the use of certification and general warnings is at best a half step when, in fact, the situation and terminology can be used to educate. In that way can perhaps preserve some of our film and TV history whilst also letting the next generation understand why some parts were seen very differently to how they are now.
You’re on the same page as me when it comes to these issues.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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You’re on the same page as me when it comes to these issues.

I am I think. I do not agree with censorship of such issues or trying to wipe out the horrors from the past as nobody learns or develops from that but I do think that they should be used as a learning tool to help prevent future repeats. Most of history was pretty ugly and much of that which impacted on a national or global level is taught about but it is the smaller and more local examples that provide a far more personal level of understanding and being wiped away without any supporting education as to why.

Where is do find irony (assuming I have used the term correctly:D) is that Disney put themselves at the forefront of this whilst almost entirely ignoring the reported blemishes and attitude issues of their founder.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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On a sports team forum I am part of where you have the same people complaining about the increase in season ticket prices next season on one thread whilst extolling the virtues of all the big wage signings that we should be making next season on another.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Summer is ill again - we had a nice two weeks I guess. Seems like just a cold though so we gave her Calpol and dropped her off at nursery as normal for a Tuesday. Half hour later they are phoning us saying she has a temperature of 38.6 and that means we have to go and pick her up. I've seen her before when her temperature was that high and she was inconsolable, not at all like she was today when she wasn't even crying. So I've brought her home, took temperature here and it's nowhere near 38. I dunno what they're using to take her temperature, but we've can't take her back now as they won't take her, and of course we don't get our money back for the day so that's that.


Head Pro
Oct 29, 2013
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Had an interview yesterday and pretty much fluffed my lines, gutted, as was well prepared, but just never felt right from the get go.
Cant see a second interview happening now 😩


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
One of my absolute hates in a work place. When I got this job and starting asking why we did a certain task I got the "because that's what we've always done" The question to can it be done better if it's needed at all got the "that's the way we've always done it". Suffice to say we sat down as a team and we had an open discussion on ways of working and being empowered to question things if they thought it was superfluous or there was a better way to do stuff. My team are now experts of asking the why question back to others!!!
Phrases I hate in work. And trying to push down that wall of apathy and intransigence is a nightmare. And the bigger the organisation, the more difficult it is to knock down those walls.


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
First decent day of the year so far, so I decided to tidy up my shed/mancave, only to discover some large Rat droppings :mad:.
After a trip to trip to Screwfix for a rat trap, it's now set up and baited with a bit of ribeye fat from tonight's dinner.
Fingers crossed Roland will be caught soon.
Any other suggestions for bait, I know there are a few master baiters on here :whistle:
I had the same thing in my garage with something nibbling at the dog food bag. I bought some Deadfast Rat Bait blocks from B&M. I put some down and they were nibbled on day 1 and taken away (I didn't put them in the bait box as I am the only person using the garage). I put another one down and it stayed for a few days and put another down and that is still there for now. Certainly seems to have shifted them at the moment.


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
My first job after leaving uni in 1978 was at ICL. I was asked to check the output from a regression test, which involved comparing some output listings with a reference set.
And the way this comparison was always done was to manually read through the outputs on paper. This was even though the two sets of outputs were in the computer file system.
There was a lot of it. They said it should take about 2 weeks.

Horrified at the monotony facing me, and aware of how error prone it would be, I wrote a simple Fortran program to do it and after half a day it was finished. My reward was to get a b*llocking for "being a smart arse". But they carried on using the program for future regression tests.
Now that is Irony. A computer company moaning at someone to use programming to solve a problem. :whistle:


Tour Winner
Apr 2, 2009
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My first job after leaving uni in 1978 was at ICL. I was asked to check the output from a regression test, which involved comparing some output listings with a reference set.
And the way this comparison was always done was to manually read through the outputs on paper. This was even though the two sets of outputs were in the computer file system.
There was a lot of it. They said it should take about 2 weeks.

Horrified at the monotony facing me, and aware of how error prone it would be, I wrote a simple Fortran program to do it and after half a day it was finished. My reward was to get a b*llocking for "being a smart arse". But they carried on using the program for future regression tests.
I don't understand your job description 🤔 but sounds like you were very smart, and not an arse! Well done 👍.
Managers eh, they can't have it that somebody is cleverer than them.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Amazon delivery.
Tracking this morning says delivery between 4pm and 7pm.
While I'm making lunch I get an email saying
Delivery attempted today at 12:21 PM

Doorbell not rung, nothing.

''Please provide delivery instructions''

One of the choices is ''ring the door bell''



Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Radio silence from companies

I'm having some electric work done Thursday

So last Wednesday I ordered all but one part from one website and the other part from website b

So the big part arrives but still no dispatch from website b

Call them. Nothing
Email them nothing

So ordered from eBay and it's arriving tomorrow by DPD

Still nothing from website b about the order.

Considering it was in stock, and in-stock items before 2pm are dispatched that day by next day delivery so ordering 5pm Wednesday should have had it here Friday .. to not even have a dispatch email by Tuesday is unacceptable