Steve Wilkes
Well-known member
I agree , there maybe a increase in women handicaps above 54, The 3 cards I have which have a rating for men & women from the same tees would mean a 54 SD for women would equate to 61 to 63 for the men, so there may need to be an increase of max to 64 for women.Not sure many would be happy with the resultant extremes of the handicap scale that a single gender system would necessitate. Depending on where 0 is located, there would either be a massive increase in plus handicap men or a big reduction in the number of plus handicap women, and the maximum handicap would need to be increased significantly above 60. And men and women of similar golfing skill would not have remotely similar handicaps.
I also agree that if a male and female are both shooting 80, the female would probably have a better skill factor, rather than a strength factor.
but why they can't be both 8 handicap, as it's surely about the score on the bottom of the scorecard. that's like me, I'm a 5 handicap but only drive 220 yards and hit a 6 iron 140, so should I say I'm really a 3 handicap cause I hit like a women .
The whole Male / Female handicap thing is not a big issue for me WJ and I see the reasons behind it.