Mel Smooth
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    • Mel Smooth
      Mel Smooth reacted to Golf is fun's post in the thread LIV Golf with Like Like.
      I was there yesterday. Some general thoughts/observations. It's not as loud as people make out. There is background music playing, but...
    • Mel Smooth
      Mel Smooth reacted to RedEyes's post in the thread 2024 Troon Open with Like Like.
      We had a great time, my 8 year old lad got a high five off Scheffler and I've never seen him so excited. It was my first Open outside...
    • Mel Smooth
      At the moment I have four.
    • Mel Smooth
      Mel Smooth replied to the thread LIV Golf.
      Looked busy today. I expect tomorrow will be an improvement but even so, we’re giving ourselves plenty of time.
    • Mel Smooth
      If anybody wants a ticket fir tomorrow - reach out, i have some that I’ll happily pass on.
    • Mel Smooth
      An absolute exhibition from my boy Rahmbo today. Never thought id see them wearing shorts in the UK event 🤣 🤣 Course looks superb...
    • Mel Smooth
      Mel Smooth reacted to BubbaP's post in the thread LIV Golf with Like Like.
      Often wonder if that is overplayed. Rose, Lawrence and Horschel all missed the cut the week before :unsure:
    • Mel Smooth
      I just have the PW that came with the set plus a 52 & 58. Easier to make a decision on what club to hit.
    • Mel Smooth
      Mel Smooth reacted to Golf is fun's post in the thread LIV Golf with Like Like.
      I'm heading there tomorrow with my daughter in tow, so will see how it goes. She's been to a couple of Opens, PGA and LPGA events and...
    • Mel Smooth
      Already got some tickets but now can offer a few to my mates.
      • IMG_4571.png
    • Mel Smooth
      I have 4 wedges, 52,56 and 60, plus pitching wedge. Having that many has damaged my game inside 100 yards. If I’m at 70 yards i don't...
    • Mel Smooth
      Mel Smooth replied to the thread LIV Golf.
      I just tell it like it is Slab. As you’ll know from following this thread. I’m looking forward to drawing some close comparisons...
    • Mel Smooth
      Mel Smooth reacted to Bamberdele2.0's post in the thread LIV Golf with Like Like.
      I believe this is the reason why I’m looking forward to it. The old traditional golf competitions would be a bit boring for myself and...
    • Mel Smooth
      Mel Smooth replied to the thread LIV Golf.
      It’s his first golf tournament mate, absolutely no need for the mocking tone to your post. And if you think a condensed version of golf...
    • Mel Smooth
      Mel Smooth replied to the thread LIV Golf.
      Get in in good time so you can do the fan village and merch tent before the golf if possible. There’ll be plenty of activities for the...
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