mixed tee competitions handicap adjustments and software

Correct. I seem to recall the authorities previously took the view that giving people fewer shots was undesirable, but they do accept it now in some circumstances. However ClubV1, which we use, always gives the additional strokes for competition purposes.
Have you approached club V1 with request to add this as option? We have just asked. May be if several customers do they will provide this
Had a mixed tee greensome medal today and several handicaps on ClubV1 differed to what I had calculated on the mixed tee calculator from England Golf. An allowance adjustment of 0.9 added to the course handicap allowance of for example 23.6 on the calculator gave a team handicap of 25 whereas ClubV1 gave 24. Looks like ClubV1 might be rounding down Anyone else noticed this?
Had a mixed tee greensome medal today and several handicaps on ClubV1 differed to what I had calculated on the mixed tee calculator from England Golf. An allowance adjustment of 0.9 added to the course handicap allowance of for example 23.6 on the calculator gave a team handicap of 25 whereas ClubV1 gave 24. Looks like ClubV1 might be rounding down Anyone else noticed this?
This has been a problem with V1 for some time. The V1 handicaps not agreeing with the EG calculator has been a pain for our comp organisers and they have not been using the system for mixed comp. However, I thought it had been fixed - but maybe not!
This has been a problem with V1 for some time. The V1 handicaps not agreeing with the EG calculator has been a pain for our comp organisers and they have not been using the system for mixed comp. However, I thought it had been fixed - but maybe not!
Have you got a link to the EG calculator. We used it a year or so ago but I can't now find the link for downloading the Excel (I think) spreadsheet.
Had a mixed tee greensome medal today and several handicaps on ClubV1 differed to what I had calculated on the mixed tee calculator from England Golf. An allowance adjustment of 0.9 added to the course handicap allowance of for example 23.6 on the calculator gave a team handicap of 25 whereas ClubV1 gave 24. Looks like ClubV1 might be rounding down Anyone else noticed this?
I've found that the WHS is riddled with this sort of thing. I think it is because the algorithms, including how and where to round, seem not to have been published. The rules of handicapping are very vague. For instance, when I queried HNA in South Africa (and to be fair, they always reply and are helpful) about why I didn't have an exceptional, it was because they hold differentials to 4 decimal places in their data base. Where is this specified in the rules of handicapping?

I've tried to track WHS handicaps in spreadsheets since the beginning but the rounding is a nightmare.

(For the grumpies, I maintain an HNA handicap out of interest because I'm a member of a club in South Africa but play in competitions there using my EG handicap, which is lower.)