Head Pro
99% of scratch events are played from a single set of tees. What harm is being done when an organiser chooses to have a tournament where the best skilled men and best skilled women are encouraged to compete against each other. Nobody is being forced to play.Typical golf admin reply, ie "its just the way it is, I can't really say why so just shut up and go away".
So here's a question for you, not a trick question just a matter of view point:
If Lexie Thompson got through Open Final Qualifying, which she could well do, and pegged it up in the Open Championship, do you think she should be given shots each day to equal out the fact that for amateur golfers the CR is different for men and women? This could possibly give her let's say 3 shots per day, ie 12 for the tournament if she made the cut. That is exactly what happens in mixed scratch tournaments and what you support.
Simple yes or no question to which you cannot reply "it's a men's tournament so irrelevant" because it is actually open to male and female.