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      4 of us are lucky enough to be playing burnham and Berrow in a few weeks, cannot wait. We’re looking for somewhere to play on the...
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      I never hit down on my fairway woods and hybrids, I sweep them. Is the problem with the contact or direction?
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      Fairway woods and hybrids. I think it’s because I can’t quite convince my body to hit down on them and not up. The brain knows, the body...
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      Bit of a long winded one, sorry… I arranged to play with a mate of mine last night, at my course, booked us in last week, looking...
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      timd77 replied to the thread Lead Hand Ring Finer Pain.
      Pretty much yeh, it was a while ago now but I remember first noticing it when I was playing golf and it got worse and worse. It probably...
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      timd77 reacted to pendodave's post in the thread YouTubers. with Like Like.
      I sometimes wonder about the weird parallel universe in the MS grey matter... Associating an obnoxious criminal with golf merely...
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      timd77 replied to the thread Lead Hand Ring Finer Pain.
      I had something similar a few years ago, turned out to be gout (or similar, I can’t remember exactly), tablets got rid of it after a...
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      timd77 reacted to PJ87's post in the thread YouTubers. with Haha Haha.
      Sir you guys hit 51
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      timd77 replied to the thread YouTubers..
      And claim that he did break 50 despite what the count says…
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      timd77 replied to the thread YouTubers..
      At least the golf’s decent when bullard’s on, but when he’s not there are no redeeming features for me. I do like tubes, seems like a...
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      timd77 reacted to Orikoru's post in the thread YouTubers. with Like Like.
      I think we know all we need to know about Trump already - as I said earlier, he's car crash TV. You can scarcely believe he's a real...
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      timd77 replied to the thread YouTubers..
      Agreed 100% and personally feel this is a bit of a clanger from Bryson. Should be steering well clear of divisive figures, whether...
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      timd77 reacted to PJ87's post in the thread YouTubers. with Like Like.
      Marmite or convicted criminal who's also been found to have sexually assaulted someone. Just don't think he needs any more airtime
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      timd77 reacted to Morfeen75's post in the thread YouTubers. with Like Like.
      I like Bryson but feel this isnt a great move.
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      timd77 replied to the thread 2024 Troon Open.
      Rose is probably straight laced, media friendly and maybe some could describe that as bland. However, what I love about him is the fire...
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