Random Irritations

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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just hope they get my old man back from Portugal at the weekend! (selfish i know)

does pale in significance to what the group of american airlines have asked for! theyve requested $50bn. Over the last 5 years the same firms have "redistributed" 90% of that to shareholders and execs!!! and lets not start with Richard Branson!

In the circumstances wouldn't we all be?


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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the Coylumbridge hotel in Aviemore today.

sent a letter to all its staff today, many who have acom sa part of the job, given notice they are layed off and told to leave the premises with immediate effect, not even a weeks notice. tough times but no need to make them homeless as well as losing their jobs..


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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A simple thing like trying to renew my fishing licence.
Had one for years. The Env Agency sent me a renewal notice giving my N&A, and licence number.
Could renew online ,,or ring them, or at the Post Office.
Wanting to support local P.O. I went there.
On his computer he needed proof of age ( gave d.o.b.) and then required
Nat Ins number?.
What! I've got old licence, D .L., but no , got to have N I Number.
He admitted that years ago, the renewal notice sent to me by E. A. had a bar code on it which identified me . Then a simple case of read it and take my money.
So, air return and ring E.A. The chap needed only me confirm address and D.o.B.
Renewed OK.

So, what's going on? Is the E.A trying to drive people away from renewal at P.O. ( P.O say they are required by E. A. To gather such data- E.A say it isn't a requirement of theirs?..)
Or is P.O. gathering data?
Or what?
Whatever's going on, it has made a simple , fast process a lot worse, certainly for the local sub post offices.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Working from home and our online system is down, so it's going to look like I basically stopped working at 3pm. Ah well.. might be time for a beer.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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Just had a leaflet delivery person stuff half a dozen bits of junk mail through the letter box...
Bare hands, rubbing nose.......Sweet Jesus, I know these people have to earn a living but they need to think!
Off to find a pair of gloves or some clingfilm - its going straight in the outside bin.
Good on you. Hope everyone does the same.
Would have been nice for the Government to ban junk mail at this time. Usually shiny surface stuff?.
Back in the day we had a Postmaster General. He would just have sent out an order from his office and that would have been that. A good contribution to the situation at the moment.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Ant Middleton. :mad:
He's a bellend, my wife bought us tickets for his show, left at the interval as he was such a prat - if he was an ice cream he'd lick himself.
Problem with Ant is he has become a parody of himself. His books First man in & Fear Bubble are brilliant and give an insight into what having a positive mindset, accepting your flaws and facing fears can do for you.

However he has let it get to him and in his own words you're meant to put pride before ego, sadly he has forgot that mantra and allowed his sudo fame get to him and created an Ego far beyond any pride he may have had and ultimately has a superman complex.

If he actually bought into his own teachings he'd accept pride of not passing it on would better impact his and the lives of those around him, but that doesn't stroke the ego. He likes to go on about being former SF, well he should know as former SF you do whatever you can to prevent the spread of a contagion and ultimately lead by example instead of being a sheep...

Sadly people love him, but if they want a former SF guy as a role model, they'd be better off looking at his counterparts like Mark "Billy" Billingham, Ollie Ollerton or Foxy who aren't using their newfound fame to stroke their egos but are doing amazing charity work at home and abroad and using their fame to get others involved in beneficial projects.

Deleted member 16999

Problem with Ant is he has become a parody of himself. His books First man in & Fear Bubble are brilliant and give an insight into what having a positive mindset, accepting your flaws and facing fears can do for you.

However he has let it get to him and in his own words you're meant to put pride before ego, sadly he has forgot that mantra and allowed his sudo fame get to him and created an Ego far beyond any pride he may have had and ultimately has a superman complex.

If he actually bought into his own teachings he'd accept pride of not passing it on would better impact his and the lives of those around him, but that doesn't stroke the ego. He likes to go on about being former SF, well he should know as former SF you do whatever you can to prevent the spread of a contagion and ultimately lead by example instead of being a sheep...

Sadly people love him, but if they want a former SF guy as a role model, they'd be better off looking at his counterparts like Mark "Billy" Billingham, Ollie Ollerton or Foxy who aren't using their newfound fame to stroke their egos but are doing amazing charity work at home and abroad and using their fame to get others involved in beneficial projects.
Until today mate I had no issue with him, have you seen the vid he put out today!:mad:


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Until today mate I had no issue with him, have you seen the vid he put out today!:mad:
I don't have any issues with him either I fully respect what he's achieved and like a lot of what he does but just think he needs to reign himself back in a little to where he was rather than being a celeb.

Sadly I did see that video and he's made himself out to be all the things he claims to dislike whilst showing the public he can be a complete pratt at times.

Did you see the parody someone already made of it ?

Deleted member 16999

I don't have any issues with him either I fully respect what he's achieved and like a lot of what he does but just think he needs to reign himself back in a little to where he was rather than being a celeb.

Sadly I did see that video and he's made himself out to be all the things he claims to dislike whilst showing the public he can be a complete pratt at times.

Did you see the parody someone already made of it ?
Loved the parody, sadly he’s still arguing it won’t affect him as “he’s so fit and strong” totally missing the point, despite some Medical people trying to educate him.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Loved the parody, sadly he’s still arguing it won’t affect him as “he’s so fit and strong” totally missing the point, despite some Medical people trying to educate him.
I thought you'd appreciate that ?
That sadly is the bit i mean where he has allowed his Ego to get in the way of swallowing pride and listening to facts which is the irony as he preaches to do the exact opposite, in that you swallow your pride, leave ego at the door and work with facts. ??‍♂️


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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Trying to get 3 refunds from Ryanair. Yesterday they said I had inputted the wrong info. 10 times. wrong.

Today 2 refunds worked. The 3rd where I have an email from them saying I am due a refund now says I am not.

Difficult to get Ryanair to change there mind even though I have written confirmation.


The pitiful quantity of crisps inside a packet of Walkers Max double crunch multipack, why dont you just save wrapper and wrap the actual crisps instead of air?
Thought McCoys were bad for this but this was ridiculous. Maybe a quarter full at best.
Rip off Britain in a nutshell (or crisp packet).


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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With the gyms and leisure centres ordered to be closed that's yet another avenue of pleasure curtailed as my badminton games are in the bin. Literally all that's left is the golf courses now. Although we might try and have a game of tennis on Sunday to replace the badminton..


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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At no-one in particular. If you are looking for a refund for xyz does it really matter if you have to wait a few weeks for an answer/resolution at a time like this?. Do you really need to have that decision/cash back in 2 days!

What the hell else are you going to spend it on when your stuck indoors for two weeks. Calm yourself and just think!