Random Irritations

My little girl, a couple of weeks shy of her 2nd birthday, has started some sort of sleep regression and separation anxiety. We used to put her to bed easily but now she cries and screams when we try to leave, and she stubbornly refuses to fall asleep. Whole evenings wasted in the last week trying to get her to sleep for two hours. It's becoming mentally exhausting not getting an evening to ourselves at all.
We’ve had this a few times with Sophia (now 5), sometimes she just wants one of us there whilst she falls asleep. Have found the best way is not to fight it, lay there for a few minutes then say we need the toilet and we will come back. Falls asleep by herself 95% of the time.
We’ve had this a few times with Sophia (now 5), sometimes she just wants one of us there whilst she falls asleep. Have found the best way is not to fight it, lay there for a few minutes then say we need the toilet and we will come back. Falls asleep by herself 95% of the time.

We had this with eldest this week. Proper wouldn't go sleep without one us. Did the loo routine

Woke us up hour later "you said you were coming back"

Luckily back to school yesterday and all kids stayed in bed all night

God bless routine
We’ve had this a few times with Sophia (now 5), sometimes she just wants one of us there whilst she falls asleep. Have found the best way is not to fight it, lay there for a few minutes then say we need the toilet and we will come back. Falls asleep by herself 95% of the time.
Yeah we've tried just lying on the floor next to her for a bit, tried putting my hand on her chest, etc, she just doesn't want to go to sleep. We end up giving her about 12 ounces of milk. She wouldn't understand 'going to the toilet' yet so she would still just scream as soon as we leave the room I think.

If she does wake in the night she's crying that we're not there as well - although we've been lucky at least that she hasn't woken in the last few nights, probably because she's so tired from only falling asleep at 11pm! She's also sleeping in past 8am so every cloud I guess. 🤣
People who insist on listening to their playlists without earphones, subjecting the rest of us to their musical tastes.
People who insist on listening to their playlists without earphones, subjecting the rest of us to their musical tastes.
Did the tour of HMS Britannia last week. They hand you these devices which you are supposed to hold to your ear so you get a commentary on the way round.

One woman had hers cradled in her neck on full volume all the way round, so she could take lots of pictures. She was never more than 20 yards behind us. It was totally disconcerting, every time she came into range, you got a blast of the same commentary you had listened to 30 seconds previously. This went on all the way round, for more than an hour.
Did the tour of HMS Britannia last week. They hand you these devices which you are supposed to hold to your ear so you get a commentary on the way round.

One woman had hers cradled in her neck on full volume all the way round, so she could take lots of pictures. She was never more than 20 yards behind us. It was totally disconcerting, every time she came into range, you got a blast of the same commentary you had listened to 30 seconds previously. This went on all the way round, for more than an hour.
We did this tour last year and luckily didn't get that annoyance.

Thought the tour was excellent and the Queens room is quite basic, although very tastefully done. Not the opulence one might expect.
Enjoyed a coffee and cake in the restaurant and liked the Royal Yacht logoed napkins and the way they did the logo on the cappuccino.

Thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours.
Yeah we've tried just lying on the floor next to her for a bit, tried putting my hand on her chest, etc, she just doesn't want to go to sleep. We end up giving her about 12 ounces of milk. She wouldn't understand 'going to the toilet' yet so she would still just scream as soon as we leave the room I think.

If she does wake in the night she's crying that we're not there as well - although we've been lucky at least that she hasn't woken in the last few nights, probably because she's so tired from only falling asleep at 11pm! She's also sleeping in past 8am so every cloud I guess. 🤣

Had that for years with our son from about age 1.

The only way I could find to get him to go to sleep was to put him in the car and go for a drive.

Hope it does not get that bad for you and is just the terrible 2s.
Oh good, another argument
Have you never seen videos of people busking on the tube.
I haven't been on the tube in over 15 years but I know if these 2 idiots got on, I'd be getting off

I don't really bother with you tube, so no I haven't seen it.
I don't know how you intend to create an argument over that,but that's ok.