Random Irritations

Yesterday was International Mens' Day.
Why wasn't I told?
Also, when we make up approximately 50% of the global population do we ONLY GET A DAY?
Humph ................... 😘
You are missing a big point here. The tax is paid on the value of the farm, not what actual money the farmer has. Just because your land is worth loads doesn't mean you can spend that at the shops. The same applies to people who live in big expensive houses but struggle to pay the bills each month.
Simple, sell the house and shop at Waitrose.
My employers now ex payroll company messed up everyone’s HMRC submission a few weeks ago so it made it look like we all had 2 jobs. Got a nice letter from HMRC asking for £2500 before April 2025, lovely.
It looks like the tax code cock up isn’t going to be resolved by our next pay day so I’ll probably be hundreds of quid out of pocket. Then I’ll have the dance with HMRC to see how much of that I can claw back 🤦🏻
I’m pretty sure that if you owe them less than 3k, you can get it taken off your tax code for the next financial year.

By coincidence, I got a message from HMRC yesterday, telling me I owe £2400 CGT. The message said I need to pay it by January. I’ll be getting in touch with them to ask for my tax code to be adjusted instead.
That they made a hefty contribution to secure.
Their “gold plated pension” is probably 20k per year.

As someone who receives a final salary public sector pension, this is always a difficult argument for me.

Yes, I contributed a whopping 14% of my salary towards my pension, this being virtually matched by my employer, pound for pound.

BUT, and here’s where a lot of public sector workers fail to acknowledge a crucial point, I accept that what I paid in no way generated the generous pension I receive. In that respect I know I am very, very lucky.

I always regarded my pension as a trade off. It was certainly a trade off against my salary which, most latterly as a detective sergeant, didn’t come anywhere close to reimbursing me for the responsibility which came with the rank. Less so a trade off against the sacrifices made - I know there are others who work shifts, nights, miss family events and so on.

Bottom line is, my lad, who is only 21 and just into the last year of an engineering apprenticeship, already earns more than I did by the time I retired, aged 54, in a role where I managed a team of investigators who investigated death and serious injury on the roads, working as a senior investigating officer on over 100 major enquiries.

So, for many like me, whilst we accept we are exceptionally lucky to receive the retirement benefits we do, the phrase “gold plated” is nevertheless rather insulting.
The news.
Good news isn't news.
But because news is 24/7 everywhere you look, they have to spin every story into bad news
But what's worse is if there isn't any bad news, they lie and make stuff up.

Setting one religion/race/political/sex against another, dividing the people.
And when you tell one side, the other side is doing something terrible, they believe it and react, often with violence.
And bingo, there's your next story.

18 April 1930, 8.45 pm
BBC's news announcer said "There is no news," before piano music was played for the rest of the 15-minute segment.
The news.
Good news isn't news.
But because news is 24/7 everywhere you look, they have to spin every story into bad news
But what's worse is if there isn't any bad news, they lie and make stuff up.

Setting one religion/race/political/sex against another, dividing the people.
And when you tell one side, the other side is doing something terrible, they believe it and react, often with violence.
And bingo, there's your next story.
I've got the editor of the Daily Mail on line 2 for you. He wants to offer you a job.