Random Irritations


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Benefit fraud may be the wrong term. In many cases, which I can quote as fact, the claimants are allowed to claim because the system allows them to but this sometimes means they are being paid for a service they get for free. This could be claiming mobility allowance/free car and then getting free transport provided to get to school or hospital. In these cases, what is the mobility payment meant to be for, if not to provide costs towards transport.
The other example is where a person can claim disability/personal independence allowance to pay for extra costs towards their own care as they can't care for themselves properly (totally right) but then also clam carers allowance to look after a partner or family member - who will also get a disability allowance. The benefits budget is enough to look after everyone, but some of it is going to the wrong people and these people are spoiling it for the rest and giving proper claimants a bad reputation (and I fall into this judgemental field as well)
Re the last sentence, I think you are being a tad unfair to yourself.

Working in coal mines, there were a small percentage of people who knew every scam going. There were genuine claimants re Dust, knackered knees and hips, vibration white finger, hearing loss, personal injuries etc etc etc. but there were others that were disgusted that they never had VWF and the 20 odd thousand pounds that could come with it. On top of that. You could then go down the route of DWP loss of earnings. A potential big earner. Some of the miners that were upset they never had an industrial disease seemed to have forgotten they were fine. Money blinds folks. Now some miners were crafty sods. If you were diagnosed as having VWF. The mining industry had a duty of care to look after them to make sure their condition never deteriorated. So they were taken off jobs. They were disgusted as they were earning serious money. Once paid, they tried every trick in the book to get back onto there old jobs. Money blinds folks. Every injury carried a percentage of “ disability”. Over the course of a mining career people totted up there injuries percentage. If it was over 12 or 13% you got a percentage disability claim for life. We kept the lads medical records. The last few months of my job I spent hours going through lads records checking the history of there injuries so they could make claims to get there percentages up. When one came in and was sorted the floodgates opened. Money blinds folk.
During the last year at the pit. We did X rays on the lads. It was compulsory. A few of the lads never came in so they stopped them underground. One lad had his X-ray and like a good few others he had dust, and a good bit of it. If you had dust, you was taken out of the pit straight away and got ill health. He was sat waiting to see the dr and Sister to discuss his records. When he came out, the sister called me into the office. She said “ he was informed that he had dust and had to give the records to his own GP”. He said “I won’t bother, he already knows”. It transpires that a year earlier he had been to his GP re shortness of breathe, his GP sent him for an X ray. It showed he was riddled with dust. His Dr gave him the results to give to Occ health, Us. He never delivered it as he knew he would be taken off the coal face. It was the last face at the pit and he was earning serious serious money, which counted towards his redundancy. He was livid when he was taken off the job. Money blinds folk.
I could go on and on.
Re benefits.My grief is that for me there should be a personal pot that everyone has. You can top it up whilst working but once that money is spent. The pound note benefits finishes. There has to be a way to get people off benefits which lead some people living very very comfortable lives, lives where some folk have no intentions what so ever of changing.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Benefit fraud is near £7 Billion according to the latest statistics.
Unclaimed Benefits is £23 Billion.

Such a pity we don’t put the effort in to getting people what they are entitled to.
Sis in law who is now retired was a tax inspector that took people and companies to court. She finished in December. Her last week at work she was due at London Crown court to give evidence in a case. It was a very big case. It was cut and dried. She was told time and again that they would settle out of court. She was massively stressed by the ordeal. The day before she was due in London she was told they had settled out of court. It was suggested re why governments don’t invest in more folk to go against tax dodgers. Are they protecting anyone.


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Mar 6, 2024
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Re the last sentence, I think you are being a tad unfair to yourself.

Working in coal mines, there were a small percentage of people who knew every scam going. There were genuine claimants re Dust, knackered knees and hips, vibration white finger, hearing loss, personal injuries etc etc etc. but there were others that were disgusted that they never had VWF and the 20 odd thousand pounds that could come with it. On top of that. You could then go down the route of DWP loss of earnings. A potential big earner. Some of the miners that were upset they never had an industrial disease seemed to have forgotten they were fine. Money blinds folks. Now some miners were crafty sods. If you were diagnosed as having VWF. The mining industry had a duty of care to look after them to make sure their condition never deteriorated. So they were taken off jobs. They were disgusted as they were earning serious money. Once paid, they tried every trick in the book to get back onto there old jobs. Money blinds folks. Every injury carried a percentage of “ disability”. Over the course of a mining career people totted up there injuries percentage. If it was over 12 or 13% you got a percentage disability claim for life. We kept the lads medical records. The last few months of my job I spent hours going through lads records checking the history of there injuries so they could make claims to get there percentages up. When one came in and was sorted the floodgates opened. Money blinds folk.
During the last year at the pit. We did X rays on the lads. It was compulsory. A few of the lads never came in so they stopped them underground. One lad had his X-ray and like a good few others he had dust, and a good bit of it. If you had dust, you was taken out of the pit straight away and got ill health. He was sat waiting to see the dr and Sister to discuss his records. When he came out, the sister called me into the office. She said “ he was informed that he had dust and had to give the records to his own GP”. He said “I won’t bother, he already knows”. It transpires that a year earlier he had been to his GP re shortness of breathe, his GP sent him for an X ray. It showed he was riddled with dust. His Dr gave him the results to give to Occ health, Us. He never delivered it as he knew he would be taken off the coal face. It was the last face at the pit and he was earning serious serious money, which counted towards his redundancy. He was livid when he was taken off the job. Money blinds folk.
I could go on and on.
Re benefits.My grief is that for me there should be a personal pot that everyone has. You can top it up whilst working but once that money is spent. The pound note benefits finishes. There has to be a way to get people off benefits which lead some people living very very comfortable lives, lives where some folk have no intentions what so ever of changing.
Which pot will those kids born with disabilities pay in to or take out of?

Once again the needs of the many are tarnished by your statement in bold.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Which pot will those kids born with disabilities pay in to or take out of?

Once again the needs of the many are tarnished by your statement in bold.
I never mentioned kids. But as has been mentioned some folk have no intention of coming off benefits. Re disabilities. Some folk with a wide range of disabilities work, and pay taxes. Again shaming those that are able to work but have no intention to.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2012
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I never mentioned kids. But as has been mentioned some folk have no intention of coming off benefits. Re disabilities. Some folk with a wide range of disabilities work, and pay taxes. Again shaming those that are able to work but have no intention to.
Spot on,too many folk milking the system.


Sep 11, 2011
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If the benefits system is so beneficial why are there so many food banks?

If the carer’s allowance is so generous why does it equate to around £2 per hour for a 40 hour week? The F-i-L got the full allowance following a severe stroke, followed by more strokes. In effect the M-i-L got paid less than £1/hour to look after someone who could barely walk, and that was all he could do. He couldn’t even talk. Thank goodness she also got the allowance too - she was so confused with life at that time she wasn’t safe to use the cooker nor the washer, and she definitely couldn’t go out alone.

Professional carers went in 4x a day, £550/week. And the in-laws received the equivalent back then of £160/week.

Just think… if I was on the top rate of mobility allowance I’d get £75 a week - wow! If I went to the bowls club 3x a week to watch the gang, and the shops twice a week I’d need £110 to cover taxis. I suppose I could get a car for the wife to drive - shame she’s going blind. Alternatively I can become semi-housebound.

The worst pensions in Europe in one of the richest countries in the world, but with one of the highest costs of living… but let’s attack those on benefits…

Those on benefits have seen the benefits shrink time and time again. And the sleazy media have demonised them time and time again, brainwashing people.

How many times have the non-dom newspaper billionaires been attacked for not paying tax at all? How many billionaires have offshore accounts? You might be PAYE, but how many billionaires are?

As for those that decry them, especially those on a decent salary and a working partner, could you live on what they get?

Sid Rixon IV

Head Pro
Jul 22, 2013
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Not round my way, never had that claim. People just turn up with their dogs on the assumption that will be fine and it then makes it very awkward to turn them away. Also, it is not so much dogs being there, it is more that some dogs do not have the temperament to be in places like a busy pub
I'm a dog lover but could never keep one due to both my children having severe reactions (asthma eczema).
So, sitting in a garden centre cafe a few days back a family came in with two dogs straining at the leash, sniffing all and sundry, as dogs do.
They find a table and a few tables away is a couple with a dog.
Cue a cacophany of full volume barking from all three whilst both owners demonstrated little control by just yanking on the leashes with not much success.
I'd have had to remove myself and my dog(s) in deference to people simply enjoying a quiet cuppa.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Returning from a lovely cycle ride today and came across a cat in the middle of the road that had been run over. It can't have happened that long before I found it as there was fresh blood everywhere. Stopped to see if had a collar but sadly no and it was dead. Just left in the middle of the road by the driver. I carefully moved it to the verge and knocked on the nearest door where someone was home. The owner had a cat, thankfully it was home (her face distraught momentarily) and she said she'd put a post in their village WhatsApp and Facebook groups to try and locate the owner.

Irritated at the driver for not moving it at least. Terribly sad for the poor cat and the family who will be heartbroken :-(


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2024
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I never mentioned kids. But as has been mentioned some folk have no intention of coming off benefits. Re disabilities. Some folk with a wide range of disabilities work, and pay taxes. Again shaming those that are able to work but have no intention to.
That was point, you said “My grief is that for me there should be a personal pot that everyone has. You can top it up whilst working but once that money is spent. The pound note benefits finishes.”
So just how are disabled kids upon reaching working age meant to top it up? If indeed they could work?
A pot for everyone? Do you mean only the fit and health until they fall ill or on hard times?


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2024
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If the benefits system is so beneficial why are there so many food banks?

If the carer’s allowance is so generous why does it equate to around £2 per hour for a 40 hour week? The F-i-L got the full allowance following a severe stroke, followed by more strokes. In effect the M-i-L got paid less than £1/hour to look after someone who could barely walk, and that was all he could do. He couldn’t even talk. Thank goodness she also got the allowance too - she was so confused with life at that time she wasn’t safe to use the cooker nor the washer, and she definitely couldn’t go out alone.

Professional carers went in 4x a day, £550/week. And the in-laws received the equivalent back then of £160/week.

Just think… if I was on the top rate of mobility allowance I’d get £75 a week - wow! If I went to the bowls club 3x a week to watch the gang, and the shops twice a week I’d need £110 to cover taxis. I suppose I could get a car for the wife to drive - shame she’s going blind. Alternatively I can become semi-housebound.

The worst pensions in Europe in one of the richest countries in the world, but with one of the highest costs of living… but let’s attack those on benefits…

Those on benefits have seen the benefits shrink time and time again. And the sleazy media have demonised them time and time again, brainwashing people.

How many times have the non-dom newspaper billionaires been attacked for not paying tax at all? How many billionaires have offshore accounts? You might be PAYE, but how many billionaires are?

As for those that decry them, especially those on a decent salary and a working partner, could you live on what they get?
Well said, sadly it will have no impact on the brain dead idiots who live amongst us.👏👏👏👏


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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That was point, you said “My grief is that for me there should be a personal pot that everyone has. You can top it up whilst working but once that money is spent. The pound note benefits finishes.”
So just how are disabled kids upon reaching working age meant to top it up? If indeed they could work?
A pot for everyone? Do you mean only the fit and health until they fall ill or on hard times?
I know that companies and in fact the Government, councils etc encourages and provides gateways for disabled to get into employment.
I worked in mining and saw disabled lads working on the pit top. At the same time I saw some folk milking the system.
You have mentioned disabled children. They are genuinely disabled and deserve all the support they can get.
My grief is not with the genuine claimants of benefits. But ones who have no intentions of contributing.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2024
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I know that companies and in fact the Government, councils etc encourages and provides gateways for disabled to get into employment.
I worked in mining and saw disabled lads working on the pit top. At the same time I saw some folk milking the system.
You have mentioned disabled children. They are genuinely disabled and deserve all the support they can get.
My grief is not with the genuine claimants of benefits. But ones who have no intentions of contributing.
I agree with all you’ve put, but there are also plenty of fit healthy people fiddling the system.

Everyone can’t have a pot to use if they can’t contribute from the beginning.

We should be looking after the most vulnerable in society and sadly, a lot of people like to put them down further.

I know you do a lot for the RBL and I’m an RBL Caseworker, our workload is getting worse, not easier. Something is bad broken in this Country at the moment and most needy are being punished.

Sid Rixon IV

Head Pro
Jul 22, 2013
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Returning from a lovely cycle ride today and came across a cat in the middle of the road that had been run over. It can't have happened that long before I found it as there was fresh blood everywhere. Stopped to see if had a collar but sadly no and it was dead. Just left in the middle of the road by the driver. I carefully moved it to the verge and knocked on the nearest door where someone was home. The owner had a cat, thankfully it was home (her face distraught momentarily) and she said she'd put a post in their village WhatsApp and Facebook groups to try and locate the owner.

Irritated at the driver for not moving it at least. Terribly sad for the poor cat and the family who will be heartbroken :-(
I onc
Returning from a lovely cycle ride today and came across a cat in the middle of the road that had been run over. It can't have happened that long before I found it as there was fresh blood everywhere. Stopped to see if had a collar but sadly no and it was dead. Just left in the middle of the road by the driver. I carefully moved it to the verge and knocked on the nearest door where someone was home. The owner had a cat, thankfully it was home (her face distraught momentarily) and she said she'd put a post in their village WhatsApp and Facebook groups to try and locate the owner.

Irritated at the driver for not moving it at least. Terribly sad for the poor cat and the family who will be heartbroken :-(

Sid Rixon IV

Head Pro
Jul 22, 2013
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Returning from a lovely cycle ride today and came across a cat in the middle of the road that had been run over. It can't have happened that long before I found it as there was fresh blood everywhere. Stopped to see if had a collar but sadly no and it was dead. Just left in the middle of the road by the driver. I carefully moved it to the verge and knocked on the nearest door where someone was home. The owner had a cat, thankfully it was home (her face distraught momentarily) and she said she'd put a post in their village WhatsApp and Facebook groups to try and locate the owner.

Irritated at the driver for not moving it at least. Terribly sad for the poor cat and the family who will be heartbroken :-(
I ran over a cat many years ago. It just bolted out in front of me. I heard the noise and pulled over immediately. I started walking back when a woman ran to the road and was literally howling "My baby, my baby!"
She turned to me and screamed "You killed my baby!"
I was mortified.
Then her husband appeared and walked towards me.
I thought all hell was about to break loose.
He said "Do one quick mate. Not your fault. She opened the door and it bolted. I'll sort it."
I did the only thing I could do.
I did one.
Upsetting though.

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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Spot on,too many folk milking the system.
The biggest milking of the system is Housing Benefit. This is a MASSIVE amount each year.
Housing Benefit does not go to poor people. It goes to the owner of the property that has poor people living in it.
Taxpayers pay the rent on behalf of poor people and wealthier people receive it.
All perfectly legal, right and proper.

"For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath."


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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Someone brought one in this morning thinking that it was normal practice to bring pets to funerals. They were shocked when informed that unless it’s a guide/service dog its not coming in my chapel
What if the dog was there as it had been requested by the deceased?
When you say “my chapel”, in what capacity is it yours?


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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I ran over a cat many years ago. It just bolted out in front of me. I heard the noise and pulled over immediately. I started walking back when a woman ran to the road and was literally howling "My baby, my baby!"
She turned to me and screamed "You killed my baby!"
I was mortified.
Then her husband appeared and walked towards me.
I thought all hell was about to break loose.
He said "Do one quick mate. Not your fault. She opened the door and it bolted. I'll sort it."
I did the only thing I could do.
I did one.
Upsetting though.

Definitely the risk of cat ownership. Must have been awful for you. At least you stopped...I'm riding that way tomorrow so hope it's been moved which would suggest its owner located.