Random Irritations


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Another 5kg since last Thursday. Not keeping any food down now, not even soup.

I know it goes in cycles, generations, but I’m heartily fed up of funerals - another friend died earlier this afternoon. It was expected but the table at the Hunter’s bar in the village is getting a touch empty.

Have they diagnosed a cause? Sounds a slow and painful demise at the moment...very sad for everyone concerned.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Another 5kg since last Thursday. Not keeping any food down now, not even soup.

I know it goes in cycles, generations, but I’m heartily fed up of funerals - another friend died earlier this afternoon. It was expected but the table at the Hunter’s bar in the village is getting a touch empty.
My gran, before she died, just stopped going to funerals in the end. She had a run of them and decided they were just getting her down. I'm no fan at any time but if you are also going to too many then it might be good to have a break, for your own mind.

Awful time.


Sep 11, 2011
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Have they diagnosed a cause? Sounds a slow and painful demise at the moment...very sad for everyone concerned.

It started with his diabetes being out of control 15 months ago, promptly followed by TB which was advanced and took some shifting. Unfortunately the diabetes issue led to keto acidosis which has seen multi-organ damage. His liver is shot to pieces, add in hepatitis, and because of the other issues a transplant isn’t an option. BP is climbing, O2 sats dropping. He’s not quite at end stage failure yet but…

I’m just in from cleaning him up - don’t ask. 3rd shift has just turned up. Family due over from the U.K. tomorrow.

Alan Clifford

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Aug 13, 2020
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Tuesday: Thank your for renewing your TV licence
Wednesday: Don't forget to renew your TV licence.

American Express do this sort of thing too. They all must generate emails hours, if not days, before they send them out. Or, probably more likely, or even as well, they have multiple databases that only syncronize on a daily basis.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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It’s odd how life does follow a cycle. School, 18th birthday party’s, 21st parties, engagements, weddings, kids, grandkids, anniversaries and then funerals. I worked at three coal mines predominantly. At 61 yr old I am now hovering between anniversaries and more so funerals. Pete Smith aka Smithy passed away on Monday. He was a good man indeed.A grafter, chargeman, led by example, wouldn’t ask you to do anything he wouldn’t do himself. Better golfer Than I will ever be. 81 yr old he was.
The problem is with working in the medical centre was you saw thousands of people throughout your career. It is not physically possible to go to everyone’s funeral. Last year I had to say my piece re a certain comment. I went to one funeral and a couple of weeks later there was another funeral of one of the lads. I couldn’t get because of not being in the country. A guy said to me afterwards, “ it was disgusting how many people never went to his funeral”. I said along the lines “ it’s not a popularity contest”.
Sometimes you just cannot make it to them all.
I don’t mind funerals, I just wish folk could make a bit more effort and meet under better circumstances. What does do my head in at funerals is “ figurative language”. I had to Google the meaning but saying “ oh we need to meet up soon” when you haven’t seen them in years. 🤬
RIP smiffy


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 16, 2014
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It’s odd how life does follow a cycle. School, 18th birthday party’s, 21st parties, engagements, weddings, kids, grandkids, anniversaries and then funerals. I worked at three coal mines predominantly. At 61 yr old I am now hovering between anniversaries and more so funerals. Pete Smith aka Smithy passed away on Monday. He was a good man indeed.A grafter, chargeman, led by example, wouldn’t ask you to do anything he wouldn’t do himself. Better golfer Than I will ever be. 81 yr old he was.
The problem is with working in the medical centre was you saw thousands of people throughout your career. It is not physically possible to go to everyone’s funeral. Last year I had to say my piece re a certain comment. I went to one funeral and a couple of weeks later there was another funeral of one of the lads. I couldn’t get because of not being in the country. A guy said to me afterwards, “ it was disgusting how many people never went to his funeral”. I said along the lines “ it’s not a popularity contest”.
Sometimes you just cannot make it to them all.
I don’t mind funerals, I just wish folk could make a bit more effort and meet under better circumstances. What does do my head in at funerals is “ figurative language”. I had to Google the meaning but saying “ oh we need to meet up soon” when you haven’t seen them in years. 🤬
RIP smiffy

Tash your last paragraph about “ figurative language “ got me thinking about a song I have by an old blues man called Elder Roma Wilson.

The song is called Give me my flowers while I live.

Goggle it and have a listen think it might resonate with you.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Tash your last paragraph about “ figurative language “ got me thinking about a song I have by an old blues man called Elder Roma Wilson.

The song is called Give me my flowers while I live.

Goggle it and have a listen think it might resonate with you.
And that was exactly what I mean. Brilliant how some folk can put it into words cheers me man 👍👍👍👍👍


Q-School Graduate
May 12, 2012
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My wife's aunt died yesterday morning, that's not the irritation, that's a blessing.
The irritation is that she was kept alive for two years longer than she should have been.
She had no memeory, couldn't do anything herself, never left her room, didn't recognise her visitors, couldn't remember her previous sentence, she was just a bag of bones being allowed to live on a ridiculous cocktail of medications with absolutely NO quality of life.
She wasn't alive, she was merely in existence.
We're all so pleased that she's now found some form of eternal peace, she was a lovely woman, she deserves her peace.

That's how the mother in law is now, late stage dementia. Has had no food or water for 12 days, absolutely no idea how she's still going. Don't make them like that anymore.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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It’s odd how life does follow a cycle. School, 18th birthday party’s, 21st parties, engagements, weddings, kids, grandkids, anniversaries and then funerals. I worked at three coal mines predominantly. At 61 yr old I am now hovering between anniversaries and more so funerals. Pete Smith aka Smithy passed away on Monday. He was a good man indeed.A grafter, chargeman, led by example, wouldn’t ask you to do anything he wouldn’t do himself. Better golfer Than I will ever be. 81 yr old he was.
The problem is with working in the medical centre was you saw thousands of people throughout your career. It is not physically possible to go to everyone’s funeral. Last year I had to say my piece re a certain comment. I went to one funeral and a couple of weeks later there was another funeral of one of the lads. I couldn’t get because of not being in the country. A guy said to me afterwards, “ it was disgusting how many people never went to his funeral”. I said along the lines “ it’s not a popularity contest”.
Sometimes you just cannot make it to them all.
I don’t mind funerals, I just wish folk could make a bit more effort and meet under better circumstances. What does do my head in at funerals is “ figurative language”. I had to Google the meaning but saying “ oh we need to meet up soon” when you haven’t seen them in years. 🤬
RIP smiffy
When having discussions on this matter I’ll often say to folks that, if you haven’t spoken to a friend for a while, and that may be a good friend from the past that you’ve lost touch with…pick up the phone and say ‘hello…how are you’.

You never know, but your call might just be what they needed at that very moment, and you’d regret not doing it if you weren’t ever again able to make that call.

Which reminds me…I must phone my dear Aunt Jessie - she’s now in her 90s and it looks like I’ll not be able to get out to the Hebrides this summer to see her as I had hoped. But that’s an irritation of the last few days that I am trying to put behind me.


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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An old friend lost his Dad just before Christmas… lost his mom last week. He is estranged from his wife and kid and also dealing with mental issues rising from losing his job. He was his parent’s caretaker for the past 5-6 years. About 10 years ago he was earning close to 6 digits.

Called me last evening to say he has lost everything and the house is too big and running to bite him.

What life has in store for you.. no one knows..

Red devil

Well-known member
Sep 26, 2021
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An old friend lost his Dad just before Christmas… lost his mom last week. He is estranged from his wife and kid and also dealing with mental issues rising from losing his job. He was his parent’s caretaker for the past 5-6 years. About 10 years ago he was earning close to 6 digits.

Called me last evening to say he has lost everything and the house is too big and running to bite him.

What life has in store for you.. no one knows..
Your friend needs to seek help. Talk to either the Samaritans, CALM or Andy's man club. He could quite easily make a devastating choice if not.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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It’s odd how life does follow a cycle. School, 18th birthday party’s, 21st parties, engagements, weddings, kids, grandkids, anniversaries and then funerals. I worked at three coal mines predominantly. At 61 yr old I am now hovering between anniversaries and more so funerals. Pete Smith aka Smithy passed away on Monday. He was a good man indeed.A grafter, chargeman, led by example, wouldn’t ask you to do anything he wouldn’t do himself. Better golfer Than I will ever be. 81 yr old he was.
The problem is with working in the medical centre was you saw thousands of people throughout your career. It is not physically possible to go to everyone’s funeral. Last year I had to say my piece re a certain comment. I went to one funeral and a couple of weeks later there was another funeral of one of the lads. I couldn’t get because of not being in the country. A guy said to me afterwards, “ it was disgusting how many people never went to his funeral”. I said along the lines “ it’s not a popularity contest”.
Sometimes you just cannot make it to them all.
I don’t mind funerals, I just wish folk could make a bit more effort and meet under better circumstances. What does do my head in at funerals is “ figurative language”. I had to Google the meaning but saying “ oh we need to meet up soon” when you haven’t seen them in years. 🤬
RIP smiffy

I am some who rarely attends services, particularly 'popular' ones, my body cannot put up with all the standing around particularly at the crem, although happy to go to the local church where there is plenty of seating.

Personally I prefer to remember friends when they were alive and not when they died. I can never understand all the people who leave flowers at a place where a person died rather than at the place they lived.

I have one mate who will never attend any service regardless of who they are to him.

One of the things I have noticed through my lifetime is how poor relatives are at letting others know when the service is, at least at the golf club most post a notice of date time etc.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Getting fed up with my injuries - being going on for over 2 months now, they would normally be gone in a couple of weeks

Trouble is I developed a heart problem this year and was put on blood thinners and told to stop taking Naproxen a drug which has kept me going, physically, for years.

When it come to NHS no real complaints my heart problem has been dealt with a matter of weeks. However my doctors have stopped doing cortisone injections, 2 weeks after my request I received a referral to the appropriate clinic, too late to stop further injuries which I was hoping to avoid. One of mates said there was a 2 month waiting list just to get the injections.


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
An old friend lost his Dad just before Christmas… lost his mom last week. He is estranged from his wife and kid and also dealing with mental issues rising from losing his job. He was his parent’s caretaker for the past 5-6 years. About 10 years ago he was earning close to 6 digits.

Called me last evening to say he has lost everything and the house is too big and running to bite him.

What life has in store for you.. no one knows..
Your friend needs to seek help. Talk to either the Samaritans, CALM or Andy's man club. He could quite easily make a devastating choice if not.
I totally agree with @Red devil . I have lost a brother through suicide. From being a happy family man loved by all, he split from his wife, moved into a flat on his own and had killed himself within a year. That was 12 years ago. He was the age I am now. That never leaves you. 12 years on and it still brings tears to my eyes as I type this.
We had a presentation from Andy's Man Club at our Annual Sales Conference end of last year. Fantastic organisation and one that can really make a difference.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I totally agree with @Red devil . I have lost a brother through suicide. From being a happy family man loved by all, he split from his wife, moved into a flat on his own and had killed himself within a year. That was 12 years ago. He was the age I am now. That never leaves you. 12 years on and it still brings tears to my eyes as I type this.
We had a presentation from Andy's Man Club at our Annual Sales Conference end of last year. Fantastic organisation and one that can really make a difference.
HID does a lot of work with Andy's Man Club so anyone around the Bracknell/Wokingham area (and further afield) wants info let me know via PM


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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A week of pretty much plain sailing with this room make over. Knew today would be the day

Radiator pipe work doesn't line up. My mates on it. Reckons will set us back about 3 hours

Just not ideal , he's off to get his blow torch lol 😂


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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Its nearly June and I have my radiators firing up during the morning.. what is going on.. why do we have temp in early teens at this time of the year. I guess something to do with the war in Ukraine..