Top 'what a load of tosh' tips


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Mine barely moves a millimetre until I hit the ball and it is the only thing I ever think of before making a swing.

No offence Snelly but that's total bollox.

If you go back to post 25 and read something that is written by professional instructors

and secondly.....

check this out Mr.'not move a millimeter steady head' ;)

you are at 2mins 55secs and your head moves AT LEAST 3" right!...



sorry Snelly......., what was it you were saying? Something about millimeters? :confused:

In fact we may have to rename you to............ Mr. Wobbly Head :whoo:
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No offence Snelly but that's total bollox.

If you go back to post 25 and read something that is written by professional instructors

and secondly.....

check this out Mr.'not move a millimeter steady head' ;)

you are at 2mins 55secs and your head moves AT LEAST 3" right!...

sorry Snelly......., what was it you were saying? Something about millimeters? :confused:

Fair enough - you've got me but er, hang on, that was my special lean right for a draw swing! I remember now!

No offence taken. Mind you I wish you hadn't put that up - more comments on my sartorial elegance from Strangely Brown now no doubt!
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Nov 16, 2011
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but not to keep his head still.:ears:

They could well have - and he did so on a couple of those semi-downswings!

Not keeping his head still must have been the reason he hit it like he did (though his usual shot is a push slice). Still, hard to keep your head still when the body it's attached to move so much.

Here's an 'improved' version?

And here's one to show you don't have to be classic to get it round!
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Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Fair enough - you've got me but er, hang on, that was my special lean right for a draw swing! I remember now!


You are without doubt a quality golfer, a natural per se, class and eccentricity beyond your years, an odd fetish with wearing schoolboy shorts admittedly.... and great company. Your posts with their eloquent verbage has us all reading them with baited breath... but you do move your head... a lot.

Whilst your posts make for great reading when it comes to the facts it's better not to second guess or indeed speculate. The facts always rise to the top. Feel and real are not on the same hymn sheet.

When it comes to bagging a pheasant from 70yds with a 12 gauge I'd definitely listen to your advice

Oh, by the way... thanks for this....
I wonder James whether your threads on swing mechanics are mostly beneficial or mostly detrimental to the reading forummers on here?

...........Mr.Wobbly Head :whistle:
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Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Just because someones head moves, doesn't mean they can't have a swing thought of trying to keep it as still as possible. Some people will have the thought of keeping their left arm straight, doesn't mean they can physically do it.

By the way try swing like Molinari James, simple is sometime best.:ears:


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Rich, in that vid who's head is the stillest?

(nb: love that vid... Bobmac was a star that day, I miss the old fella.. will he ever take me back?) :p LOL


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Rich, in that vid who's head is the stillest?

(nb: love that vid... Bobmac was a star that day, I miss the old fella.. will he ever take me back?) :p LOL

Yours of course. So why not have a swing thought of trying to keep your head still ? Yes it will move on the down swing naturally, but on the backswing it can be almost dead still ?


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
So why not have a swing thought of trying to keep your head still ?

No problem with that at all if it works with your game, but it's not a requirement and therefore shouldn't be taught or adopted if unnecessary or at detriment to your swing. If your head moves 3" so what? You'll see examples of people's head moving all over the place, pro's too.

If you line up 100 players you could probably decide their h/caps just by watching the head, the more they move the worse they are..(watch the video and see how many still heads there are). When it comes to the lower end h/caps it's really hard as 0-3" movement is fine, you just don't want it flappin' around. Thinking about keeping it still is FINE but you can't just keep it still if it doesn't work for you or your pattern... so you can't teach it apart from to 'flappers' or people that could benefit slightly. I was surprised to see how much Pieman's head moved, he bombs it, so there are always exceptions to ANY rule.

As an aside... if you don't turn your shoulders correctly and manage your weightshift you CAN'T keep your head still... which is why so many people reverse pivot in an effort to stay over the ball.
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Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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No problem with that at all if it works with your game, but it's not a requirement and therefore shouldn't be taught or adopted if unnecessary or at detriment to your swing. If your head moves 3" so what? You'll see examples of people's head moving all over the place, pro's too.

If you line up 100 players you could probably decide their h/caps just by watching the head, the more they move the worse they are..(watch the video and see how many still heads there are). When it comes to the lower end h/caps it's really hard as 0-3" movement is fine, you just don't want it flappin' around. Thinking about keeping it still is FINE but you can't just keep it still if it doesn't work for you or your pattern... so you can't teach it apart from to 'flappers' or people that could benefit slightly. I was surprised to see how much Pieman's head moved, he bombs it, so there are always exceptions to ANY rule.

As an aside... if you don't turn your shoulders correctly and manage your weightshift you CAN'T keep your head still... which is why so many people reverse pivot in an effort to stay over the ball.

Think my point is that that the average golfer, handicap 15 + say, generally flaps his head around. If they want to improve, not to single figures , but say two or three shots, concentration on the head rather than a lot of other more complicated techniques may have a more instant result.

The Pros that move their head significantly, such as Gulbis and Creamer, practice hours a day to be able to play with that movement. If I moved my head like they do, I would do well to get the club on the ball, and I have pretty good hand eye co-ordination.

I did some tennis coaching a few years back, and with the beginners taught very simple drills, such as watching the ball, swinging low to high, hitting the ball from hip height, grip, feet movement etc. These simple instructions meant they improved quickly. The one drill though that made the biggest difference was keeping the head still when hitting the ball. Head up, ball missed.

Never too old to learn the basics, and rather than having loads of different swing thoughts when playing, have one simple one.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I understand the point you're trying to make Rich and have said that I agree, but it's with limitations, horses for courses. Would you change Snelly's? He moves his about 3"

The issue is with the definition or terminology, it would be better to say "try and keep your head more still" than "keep your head still". So "keep your head still" would constitute bad advice. If Snelly DID keep his head perfectly still it might mess up his swing so badly that he wouldn't be able to hit the ball at all.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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It might be good advice, I don't knoe, but one I've never agreed with is "use your shots".

Our SI1 is only 410yds, why would I hit 3 wedges to all but guarantee no worse than a 5! :confused:

I enjoyed watching the Woodhall video again. I came away thinking it wasn't as good as I'd expected it to be but watching that has made me want to go back again. Maybe it's all the snow! :(


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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Just watch a video of Eamon Darcy. Blows every tip ever given out of the water.

just do your own thing is the best tip. certainly worked for Eamon

Driving ranges up and down the country are full of people "doing their own thing". And they are awful!

I get the point about incorporating some individuality into the swing to suit your physical capabilities, but their are some key moves and positions that good players nearly all get into, despite any quirky traits in their swings.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Whilst I'm here I might as well add to the fire with...

clubface square to the target
Line up square with the target line
Club parallel at the top
Keep the clubface square through the hitting zone
Line up straight to hit it straight

I don't understand why these are terrible pieces of advice? I aim to do all these when I hit the ball.

It's not that they are terrible it's just they are not things you have to do and in some cases you definitely shouldn't according to the shot you're playing.

Clubface square to the target - when at address? at impact? if you swing slighlty from the inside that's a hook, a slice the other way.

Line up square with the target line - great for a push-draw, crap if you want to fade or hit it straight

Parallel at the top - totally unnecessary and inconsistent, John Daly swings a mile past parallel and you can easily play from less than parallel with a full shoulder turn.

Clubface square through the hitting zone - impossible - you swing on an arc so the club can only be square for 1/2000th of a second at most (impact time on a ball) at all other times it's either open or closed.

Line up straight to hit it straight.. not possible unless you have a 0 in to in path and 0 angle of attack. D-plane (trackman) shows a straight shot (with a 6 iron) is hit aiming 2.5° left, and more as the club gets longer and

I guess I might aswell add to the list with:

Hit up on your driver.

As discussed in another thread on the forum if approx ½ the Tour players hit DOWN (including for example Luke Donald and Tiger) then they simply couldn't have been listening ;) If you want to TRY and swing up then great for you, but if it doesn't gfit with your pattern then don't. A lot of club players fall into problems when hitting up as they don't know the necessary adjustments required to make it work (eg get the desired ball flight).

nb: even when you know them it's flippin' hard, comment :eek: :mad::whistle:


Regarding folks giving advice, there is only 1 pro on here I'm aware of so if no-one else posts then the section is useless.

As for handicap being an indicator of ability to teach or advise that is incorrect, whilst it undoubtedly helps I'm sure people can study biomechanics and golf swings without having to be able to shoot 5 under themselves.