The Battle of the Auld Enemy-Goswick G.C.-20th/21st Feb 09.



:) :) :)
Well I finished work early today so I could come home and clean the clubs, pack my bag, mark my balls, pack the golf bag, load the sat nav, Iron my clothes, make my notes etc etc and etc. What did I do, play football instead, second night running, I am absolutly goosed. There we go got my excuse in! :D

On a serious note, are we required to dress in anything particular for the club house? I dont want to have to peer through the window in my trackies and trainees! :D
I emptied the garage today looking for my waterproof troosers and hat and after emptying it onto the drive I remembered my nephew had borrowed them to go hill walking. So that was my warm up. Am off out to empty the car and get my gear into it. No cleaning of clubs tonight but will dab my towel as the first guys tee off.

And hey.....

Lets be careful out there !!!!!!!

(God bless Betty from Hill Street Blues)
Have a great weekend guys, hope the weather gods are good to you.

I have played Goswick before and it is a really excellent track, you will enjoy it.

As an exiled Scot I will make no apologies for hoping that the English are sent home tae think again.

'Mon Scotland :D
Having read the banter, I hope you all have a really good time.

Just remember that's it's just a game, and it's the taking part that counts, and not the winning.

Bol*&%ks is it. I'm sure that you're all going out to do your best.

Good luck to you all. I'm really very jealous, but I really can't volunteer for this sort of stuff untill I at least start playing to my h'cap. Which might require me wearing a skirt!

Web site says "The dress code is down to commonsense with only a few restrictions"

So I would imagine anything "smart casual" will be fine.

See you in the morning.

Edit (Dodger got there first!)
And friday evening, jeans and trainers or shirt and shoes? I am always the odd one out unless I ask, :D I know, I sound like HID
Currently in a Travel lodge outside Newcastle, so just got about an hour and a half left to drive tomorrow. Might even be on time for once. Plan to be there around 10 ish.

Everything round here is shut. It appears the north closes at 9. Could be a short session tomorrow night.
Excellent Andy.

You needing a waterproof jacket? I have a spare in your size that goes down to my knees.


Oh, there's WIFi in the rooms at the Travelodge.
So the white suit, black shirt , medalions etc go back in the wardrobe......

berwick isn't ready for that yet I suppose.