Tending the flag

See the reason cited as early as post #3

Personal choice. It's neither right nor wrong.
I am saying it's a waste of time, which it is. The rule change was intended to negate the need for flag tending and speed up play. Which it does.
If you ask me to tend the flag I will, no one is asking me though and I'm not asking anyone either. As for the op, turns out there is a lot more to the arguement than just the flag stuff.
Waste of time? So is using a line on the ball to line up a putt, or marking a ball when it’s not in anyone’s way, or taking practice swings, or ball hawking. But all are permitted by the Rules.
Waste of time? So is using a line on the ball to line up a putt, or marking a ball when it’s not in anyone’s way, or taking practice swings, or ball hawking. But all are permitted by the Rules.
Now you're just being silly. You tell me why the rule was changed. What was the intention.
You are a rules expert.
The one thing the rule hasn’t done is speed up play from my experience- if anything at times it’s created the flag Hokey Cokey with those that want it in at all times
I've not seen that at all and I play with lots of different people . Generally once the flag is out , it stays out.
Sounds like your regulars are a bit precious 😬
The one thing the rule hasn’t done is speed up play from my experience- if anything at times it’s created the flag Hokey Cokey with those that want it in at all times
I never understand, well I guess I do really, why those wanting the flag out, out when it was already in, blame those wanting it in for hokey cokey. Those wanting it out are starting this process. Leave the flag alone, no hokey cokey.

If you want it out, accept others may want it in but always remember before complaining that taking the flag out is the starting point for your complaint.