Golfing Appraisal 2024/25

Not sure what my goals were for 2024....started the year at 10.2, finished it on 9.5 and never varied outside of that range. submitted 23 qualifying scores...all from comps which was 4 more than in 2023 (all are from comps, nothing from GP).

Need to do a bit of work focusing on my iron ball striking over the next couple of months before competition season really gets under way at the beginning of March. Driving seems to have come on a bit and I seem to have picked up more distance after switching to the Callaway Chrome Tour ball (from the Chrome Soft) which has surprised me a little bit.

With more time to play in 2025, both in terms of practice and competitive play, I'd like to think that I can lower my index to around 6 at a stretch....which will be as low as I've been since 14 years ago. Given the opportunity to play more competitions (midweek and senior) I should also see the number of scores submitted for handicap increase....should be able to get 40+ scores in.
2025 Goals
Could be false hope as it usually is, but in my last two rounds I've managed to avoid hitting any horrendous slices with driver - if I can keep it on the planet this year I might be able to achieve my goal of getting back into the 13's handicap-wise.
Yup. 😞
Almost a year ago to the day that had I had a heart attack, my only wish was to get fit and back to playing. I was told not to play for 4 weeks, so, 4 weeks and one day later saw me popping round the course for 9 holes as well as doing cardiac exercise. Everything went pretty well except that my pulse rate did, and still drops, to as low as 32 bpm at night which I've never had any explanation for.

I played good and bad golf, and changed my irons to Srixon in March so needed a settling in period, but my regular partner and I did well in the vets league matches against other clubs and we only lost one game.I went up and down handicap over the year but no real damage done.

I plan to use my clubs new indoor facility to practice on a weekly basis and hope to lower my handicap to around 12 to 13 from the 17.5 it is currently. - still possible I hope at 72 years old !
Started the year off on 18.8, finished it on 18.3, so no real change over the year. As the stats suggest, it’s been a solid but unspectacular year, however I have played my best stuff this autumn/winter after the end of the qualifying comps.

Our course was regraded last month, and I’ve lost 2 shots as a result, so realistically, at the age of 64, 2025 will be all about trying to stay around the same mark.
The only goal for me would be to play to my current handicap, my index is from a few years ago and I've hardly played so I'm way off that level at the moment. I desperately need lessons, unfortunately I've tried before and they've always been a disaster.
Near the end of 2023 my goal was to hopefully start playing again which I managed until April 24 - come end of October 2024 I managed to start playing again off and on.

My goal for 2025 - get to a handicap that matches my current ability, that is going up* (something I would never have been able to achieve under the UHS).

* I was 8 at the start of the WHS now 15 but playing more like a 22.
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Near the end of 2023 my goal was to hopefully start playing again which I managed until April 24 - come end of October 2024 I managed to start playing again off and on.

My goal for 2025 - get to a handicap that matches my current ability, that is going up* (something I would never have been able to achieve under the UHS).

* I was 8 at the start of the WHS now 15 but playing more like a 22.
In the absence of h'cap c'ee intervention under UHS, WHS will get you there faster than UHS would have done.
Then you'll be in the frame again. Good luck.
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2024…managed to hold on to SFs…while consolidating swing path change (I’ve talked about elsewhere) - indeed got down to 95% Medal PH of 6 off our back tees and I’ve not been low as 6 since about 1990. Drifted up to 7.7 so 95% PH of 8.

2025…continue to consolidate swing change; improve short range and green-side chipping and pitching (if I have a double on a hole it’s likely the result of a short pitch muck up); handicap objective will to get to last year’s low HI of 6.7…if I get lower that’s great…but it’s not an objective.
In the absence of h'cap c'ee intervention under UHS, WHS will get you there faster than UHS would have done.

Then you'll be in the frame again. Good luck.

Out of interest-

I am still on the HCP committee we did a bit of investigation about caps at our annual review using my record.

We found out you cannot change soft and hard caps without changing the handicap as well. What I need realistically is an increase in the cap as I submit enough cards to do the rest. (I have now stopped putting cards until my low index changes).

With the UHS the only way I went up noticeably was with a review under the Continuous Review Procedure. Without it I doubt that the others on the committee (who did the review) would have increased my handicap (I went from 6 to 8).
My goal in 2024 was to enjoy golf again, which probably meant I’d be moving course. Moved to a full members club and maintained roughly the same HC dipping my toe into SF’s a couple of times so all in im pretty chuffed giving I’ve dedicate hardly any time to my game this year practice wise.

For 2025 I’ve got 4 counting scores coming off in the next 5 games so expect I’ll creep from 9.6 up to around 11, but as long as I’m enjoying the company I really couldn’t care.

I’d love to get back to my form in 2014 where I got to 7, but truth in I simply can’t be bothered to dedicate that amount of time as other interests are creeping in. I’m not longer desperate to play every week…. And I don’t see that changing at all.
2024 was pretty good if unspectacular, handicap came down 2 shots (15-13) thanks to my GP rounds (critics say they're supposed to have the opposite effect!) but couldn't play for toffee off the medal tees so no chance in comps last year
Shot 80 three times, missing putts on 18th each time to fail breaking 80

2025 got off to a flyer with a PB (78) on new years day getting me down to 12.2 index
on the downside I feel I have to caveat it to myself and others saying I wasn't playing off medal tees but one tee forward (6100yrds instead of 6,500)

So remainder of this year will only be off medal tees as I try to play as well relative to handicap and stabilise the index. Went well yesterday with a nett 73 (not for handicap) lets see how i get on in first comp in 2 weeks...
Hope my handicap reaches a point where I have a chance in a nett event......roll on double figures. :devilish:

Well I've just read the GM article '25 Players Poised To Take The Golf World By Storm In 2025' and didn't see your name sooooo I fear you're wait is gonna continue :p
Well I've just read the GM article '25 Players Poised To Take The Golf World By Storm In 2025' and didn't see your name sooooo I fear you're wait is gonna continue :p
Still waiting for my invite to the Augusta Masters......came second one year, shot under par in the second round but alas a high handicapper beat me by one, was a few years ago, before all WHS or OZ version was introduced, so had more handicap then.
Goal for 2024 was to get my handicap into the teens, finished with 18.8!

2025 goal - try and get below 15 and shoot one round under 85 (our course is par 70).
My aim for this year was to get my handicap (from about 18, 19) to sub-14, with a stretch goal of 12. Got to 12.4 so I'm really happy with that :)

This year I want to get to the point of breaking 85 consistently, and hopefully break 80 a couple of times as well.

In terms of technical skill, I want to get better at hitting 3w off the deck, because at the moment it is wildly inconsistent (230 yards or 23 yards sort of inconsistency). I'd like to add a little more swing speed to my driver, and to work on my low point with my irons. I got a divot board clone last Christmas and haven't used it once... oops!
Hi all, best wishes for 2025!

My 2024 went okay. Played quite a lot with our small golfing company. Didn't go on tour which is a shame. Also I had some handicap goals but my game was a mess over the summer - when the best scoring opportunities presented themselves. At the end of the year I redid my bag completely, and had a few solid rounds to head into winter. So things are looking up for this year.


- Play at least as often as in 2024
- Bring my handicap down to under 17
- Play in at least one competition
- No new gear
- Take lessons

Once again, enjoy 2025!
Overall, a good year in 2024 - thoughts and a few highlights:
  • Played 14 rounds, and maybe a few other 9s.
  • Started the year with an index of 22.4, got down to 20.6
  • 2 chip ins, never managed it before
  • birdied the last (at Camberley Heath)
Into 2025:
  • I'd like to get the number of rounds closer to 20.
  • Index down to 17/18 - I can definitely play bogey golf, so I'd like an index to match that!
  • I've entered my first (society) match play comp, which will be good fun whether I make it through the first round or not!