Ryder Cup Winner
Agree, head trauma in all sport needs addressing but I am not sure what the answer is to be honest. Without re-formulating the whole way that certain sports are played, is there any way to avoid it? Perhaps we do need to re-assess a number of sports from the ground up based on our increased understanding of the problems of head trauma. Rugby is an obvious issue but the game brought a number of problems in itself with the clock still running during pauses in play and with the number of subs it means that the requirements for stamina have been reduced allowing for increased bulk and muscle and progressively bigger impacts.
I think if a group lawsuit is brought, whether successful or not, there will have to be a complete review of the sport from bottom to top from a safety angle and the long term impact it is having on players, which will then follow on into other sports. As you say a lot of the changes over the years of the "professional" era certainly havent helped