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Anti Vaxers
We have an issue coming up - my sister in laws brother is very much of the ilk of “natural remedies” and is not going to allow his new born to have an vaccines at all because of his beliefs.
Now the sister in law has a 6 month old son and has had all the vaccines etc. Next the brother comes back to the UK from Canada and the SIL won’t allow her kids to mix with their nephew due to the lack of vaccines- so is she being silly or is it a real threat not having the child any vaccines ( not sure of the legal side of travelling etc )
I can see exactly where my SIL is coming from - I wouldn’t want my daughter to mix with children that haven’t had inoculations
My thoughts are the inoculated children are safe BUT that's what the anti-vaxers rely upon. You all "take the risk" and innoculate your children and then mine will be safe as the disease will be less prevalent in society. Having said that - I'd refuse to socialise on principle!