Random Irritations

My phone is about 2 years from me. I love the peace & isolation not having a phone brings.
Wow. I just physically could not exist without a phone. On this train journey I'm currently on, I've used my phone to pay for my parking, I'm listening to music via it, read my emails, texted my wife, watched my Nanit baby monitor to see when my little girl woke up, and used it to browse this forum.
Wow. I just physically could not exist without a phone. On this train journey I'm currently on, I've used my phone to pay for my parking, I'm listening to music via it, read my emails, texted my wife, watched my Nanit baby monitor to see when my little girl woke up, and used it to browse this forum.

It’s not just a phone, it’s a pocket computer. My average daily hours report for my iPad is 7+ hours - I rarely watch TV but I stream a lot of stuff every day.
I know I’m being pedantic but….yes you could.
Although it appears that, mentally, you’d be in a difficult place.
No, I really couldn't. I use it for far too many things now. It would take weeks to kind of un-ingrain (if that's a word) from it, so many things that you pay for on the fly using apps and so on. Even the calendar tells me where I need to be on what day and without that I'd be lost. And before you say a paper calendar exists, I refer to the phone one for timings and reminders so I'm not late for stuff. I use the satnav on it when driving or else I wouldn't be able to get anywhere. You "could" survive without a phone - as long as you purchase about 15 other items to replace everything it does for you.
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Went to Durham cathedral yesterday. A stunning place of worship indeed. I have seen it a few times where our oriental cousins do an over exaggerated pose to take a selfie. It seems the picture is about “me” and not the surroundings it is in. It looks very disrespectful when being done.
Once had a bit of a meltdown when I first saw it in Kuala Lumpar when some teenagers were doing it in front of a war memorial statue. ( statue was done by the guy who did the raising of the flag on iwo Jima).
It looked like they were at Disney.
Went to Durham cathedral yesterday. A stunning place of worship indeed. I have seen it a few times where our oriental cousins do an over exaggerated pose to take a selfie. It seems the picture is about “me” and not the surroundings it is in. It looks very disrespectful when being done.
Once had a bit of a meltdown when I first saw it in Kuala Lumpar when some teenagers were doing it in front of a war memorial statue. ( statue was done by the guy who did the raising of the flag on iwo Jima).
It looked like they were at Disney.
Sadly, it is more and more standard. The 'insta' pose in front of key buildings or landmarks. I will wait or walk around anyone taking a normal holiday picture but when someone is clearly setting up a shot in this manner, wanting to dominate the area for their own account, I will walk right through it, photo bomb from behind etc. Very annoying but sadly part of modern life now.
No, I really couldn't. I use it for far too many things now. It would take weeks to kind un-ingrain (if that's a word) from it, so many things that you pay for on the fly using apps and so on. Even the calendar tells me where I need to be on what day and without that I'd be lost. And before you say a paper calendar exists, I refer to the phone one for timings and reminders so I'm not late for stuff. I use the satnav on it when driving or else I wouldn't be able to get anywhere. You "could" survive without a phone - as long as you purchase about 15 other items to replace everything it does for you.
Yep. I rarely carry a wallet, don't need a diary or address book and only use my personal laptop for watching Sky Sports these days.
Even if you do your banking on a computer you need your mobile to verify your identity.
Saying you could survive without one is true but it's like suggesting that you don't really need shoes to survive.
Crows cause havoc on our allotment. We installed a camera to pick up what was doing all the damage and it was those pesky blighters. This year they pulled up half my tomato plants just for the hell of it.
Yep. I rarely carry a wallet, don't need a diary or address book and only use my personal laptop for watching Sky Sports these days.
Even if you do your banking on a computer you need your mobile to verify your identity.
Saying you could survive without one is true but it's like suggesting that you don't really need shoes to survive.
I do my online banking on a computer and don't need my mobile to verify my identity - I have a PINsentry gizmo for that.