Random Irritations


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
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Are you referring to greenkeepers, pro-shop staff and clubhouse staff?
Don't know where we would be without them.
They have my praise and thanks.
Marvellous people.

I worked in a 7-day business for 22 years. Changing to Mon-Fri, I had a sort of guilty feeling for the first few years.
When a bank holiday comes around, I always think about the people for whom that means more or extra work. As it used to be for me.
Nope, we have an open day and everyone is expected to attend


Head Pro
Jul 31, 2015
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Just nipped out to buy a new chain for my chainsaw. I bought the chainsaw about 4 years ago ...it was marketed on the website where I bought it as an OREGON chainsaw, on the box it said OREGON, on the chainsaw it says OREGON. The Oregon website still lists it as a current model.

So....into my local independent DIY store that sells everything from pins to elephants...I'm browsing round the chainsaw section trying to find the appropriate chain.

Staff member asks me if I need any help and I say..."I've got an Oregon chainsaw but cant find the appropriate chain here for it".....to which the response was..." you haven't got an Oregon chainsaw, you might have an Oregon bar, but you dont have an Oregon chainsaw"

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Alan Clifford

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2020
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Eurovision, used to love it when I was a kid but it just seems to have turned into a circus freak sideshow competition.
Time to lay it to rest imo.

Eurovision Song Contest 2024: After you it's ... a pile of poo.



Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Eurovision, used to love it when I was a kid but it just seems to have turned into a circus freak sideshow competition.
Time to lay it to rest imo.
In fact I was still able to enjoy it as a nonsense bit of fun until fairly recently, however it’s been just 100% grotesquely awful for a few years now, and the couple of glimpses I had of it tonight (Mes SiLH was watching) confirmed things.

Then for our guy Olly to get zero votes from the worldwide audience (no-one else got zero) just stinks. He was smiling but must feel humiliated - are we that disliked by RoW that not one vote can be mustered for us out of thousands cast? It would appear so. The show is tripe and worth not a glittery button, but that vote signifies something worrying about how we are perceived as a country.


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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I'd say it's more about the utter wombats we send to these events. 😁

The irritant is why who ever runs this, feels the need to do it.
Or more, why we as the UK pay for it the thing.
Lets just pull out and let them get on with it. We have better things to spend our money on.