Major Champion
Ok, the first thing you do is tell your playing partner that you think youre entitled to a free drop. When he has agreed, mark the original spot where the ball lies.(1) Then you select the club you would reasonably expect to use for the shot and movaway until the club misses the staked tree with your swing but must be the nearest point. You dont have a choice. When you have established where that point is, you mark it(2). THEN you may take out your driver OR long putter and measure 1 club length not nearer the hole and mark that spot.(3)You then drop the ball in between marks 2 and 3 and as long as the ball doesn't roll nearer the hole than mark 1, the ball is in play. If it does roll nearer the hole, you drop again paying particular attention to where the ball fist strikes the ground. If it stays, the ball is in play. If it rolls forward again, it must be placed on the spot it landed on the second drop.
So, next time you think you are entitled to a free drop get your playing partner to verify you are entiltled to a drop and have 3 tees in your pocket.
I hope thats cleared up any confusion about which club to use and when.
So, next time you think you are entitled to a free drop get your playing partner to verify you are entiltled to a drop and have 3 tees in your pocket.
I hope thats cleared up any confusion about which club to use and when.