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    • Leftie
      Leftie replied to the thread Holyte Open.
      It wasn't me suggested that you might want to enter :unsure:
    • Leftie
      Leftie replied to the thread Holyte Open.
      Wot!! No other local Forumers interested?
    • Leftie
      Leftie replied to the thread Cooden Beach 2025.
      Myself, Dhan, Andy and Craig are in principle all up for this - subject to all the usual ya di ya di ya ...
    • Leftie
      Leftie replied to the thread Cooden Beach 2025.
      It would be rude not to;) Dhan would probably be up for it as well. Nearer the time I might be able to interest one or two other guys...
    • Leftie
      Leftie replied to the thread Cooden Friday 21st June 2024.....
      Another cracking day out today. Smiffy you are a star ⭐ and thank you for all your hard work in organising this event - not only this...
    • Leftie
      Leftie replied to the thread Cooden Friday 21st June 2024.....
      Oh 'eck. Can I review my options?;)
    • Leftie
      Leftie replied to the thread Holyte Open.
      That's done then. Entered the Holtye Open with Dhan. Any other Forumers interested? It would make a good day out.
    • Leftie
      Leftie replied to the thread Cooden Friday 21st June 2024.....
      Confirming myself and Dhan are still OK Smiffy (y)
    • Leftie
      Leftie replied to the thread Holyte Open.
      I'm putting myself and Dhan in for this event. Hope it goes ahaead.
    • Leftie
      Leftie replied to the thread Sittingbourne & Milton Regis.
      Weekday by preference for me but happy to play on a Sunday if those poor souls who have to "work" for a living would rather a weekend...
    • Leftie
      Leftie replied to the thread Sittingbourne & Milton Regis.
      I'm always up for a Forum meet - particularly at a course new to me. (y)
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