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Gender Neutral Tees


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2020
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We also had this email from the club

Dear Member,

Tomorrow sees the trial of using a mixed tee option for the Gents Stableford Competition. The process for entering the Sweep and Twos will remain the same as before, the only difference is that you will have to select the tees you wish to play from at the point of check in.

This then begs the questions, 'Which tees should I play from?'

There is no hard and fast answer to this question but there are a few methods that may help determine the answer for you.
  • Think of the Par 3s and Par 4s, if you can't consistently reach all of the Par 3s in one shot or all of the Par 4s in two shots from the tee you regularly play from, it is a sign that you maybe need to move forward a set of tees.
and / or
  • take the distance you consistently hit your 5 Iron, (not the distance of your 'Sunday best'!), multiply this by 36 and play from the tees that are closest to this number. For example:
average 5 iron distance of 165 yards x 36 = 5940 which equates to the Red Tee yardage on Lansdowne of 5986 yardage.

average 5 iron distance of 180 yards x 36 = 6480 which equates to the Yellow Tee yardage on Lansdowne of 6443 yardage.

and / or
  • Drive Distance can be used as per the USGA recommendations:

Avg. drive Recommended Tees
300 yards 7,150-7,400 yards
275 yards 6,700-6,900 yards
250 yards 6,200-6,400 yards
225 yards 5,800-6,000 yards
200 yards 5,200-5,400 yards
175 yards 4,400-4,600 yards

Please remember that the purpose of this trial is to provide the flexibility for members to play from the tees that will provide most enjoyment for them! The easiest way to make a course harder is not by growing the rough, adding bunkers or making the greens too quick to putt on but by simply making the course longer. It therefore stands to reason that being able to make the course shorter will make it easier and more enjoyable. The pace of play should improve too.

Handicap adjustments will be made depending on the tee played from to provide an equitable result at the end of the day.

We hope that all members enjoy this trial event.

Kind Regards

The Blairgowrie Golf Club

PS. This can also be transferred to bounce games, there should be no stigma attached to the red tees, as they are no longer to be classified solely as 'ladies tees' but are rated for the men now too.
Interesting to note the average male driving distances by age and handicap. I think we need to be rating a lot of forward tees!


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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Both Arcos and Shotscope data needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. Data comes from a subset of golfers who have a particular interest in their scores, improving, distances, performance. Both always look overstated to me.

Deleted member 29109

Both Arcos and Shotscope data needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. Data comes from a subset of golfers who have a particular interest in their scores, improving, distances, performance. Both always look overstated to me.
What data do you base your comparison on?

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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One or more of the following must be true.

1. I'm more than ten years older than I should be
2. I'm hitting my drives a bit too far
3. My handicap should be a bit lower
4. I've been measuring my drives incorrectly